Home > Services > AWANA RegistrationAWANA Registration Parent's Name First Last Emergency Phone NumberEmail Enter Email (Example: John.Smith@murdockbaptistchurch.com) Confirm Email Address Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code List other authorized adults who can pick up your children:Please list names, phone numbers, and their relationship. Childrens Registration InformationChild #1's Name First Last Child #1's Gender Male Female Child #1's Grade LevelPre-KKindergartenFirst GradeSecond GradeThird GradeFourth GradeFifth GradeSixth GradeChild #1's Birth Date Month Day Year List all of Child #1's allergies:Need to register more children? Yes No Childrens Registration InformationChild #2's Name First Last Child #2's Gender Male Female Child #2's Grade LevelPre-KKindergartenFirst GradeSecond GradeThird GradeFourth GradeFifth GradeSixth GradeChild #2's Birth Date Month Day Year List all of Child #2's allergies:Need to register more than 2 children? Yes No Childrens Registration InformationChild #3's Name First Last Child #3's Gender Male Female Child #3's Grade LevelPre-KKindergartenFirst GradeSecond GradeThird GradeFourth GradeFifth GradeSixth GradeChild #3's Birth Date Month Day Year List all of Child #3's allergies:Do you need to register more than 3 children? Yes No Childrens Registration InformationChild #4's Name First Last Child #4's Gender Male Female Child #4's Grade LevelPre-KKindergartenFirst GradeSecond GradeThird GradeFourth GradeFifth GradeSixth GradeChild #4's Birth Date Month Day Year List all of Child #4's allergies:Do you need to register more than 4 children? Yes No Childrens Registration InformationChild #5's Name First Last Child #5's Gender Male Female Child #5's Grade LevelPre-KKindergartenFirst GradeSecond GradeThird GradeFourth GradeFifth GradeSixth GradeChild #5's Birth Date Month Day Year List all of Child #5's allergies: Please note: you may register up to 5 children.If you need to register more, first please complete and submit your form entry. Then there are 3 options: You can contact us directly to register more children by either directly emailing us at office@murdockbaptistchurch.com; call 941-627-6352; or you can even re-submit a new form with those additional children at: Awana's Registration Form.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ