Frequently Asked Questions
Take a look at some of our frequently asked questions regarding our church.
My First Visit:
What to wear?
Come as you are as we have some in suits, others in very relaxed clothing.
Where do I enter?
Enter the parking lot at the digital sign and drive back to the main entrance. There is guest parking right outside the main entrance. Handicapped parking is right next to the building entrances, too. The other doors of the building are locked for your safety and security. And about 15 minutes before the service begins, the main entrances are locked, too. Someone is there to open the doors if you are running late, so come on.
What to expect?
There will be greeters at the door able to help you as you arrive and enter our fellowship hall. There is an information desk where you can stop to ask questions. You will be warmly welcomed at our church and directed to the sanctuary.
What about registering children?
Answer to come shortly.
When and how long are services?
Our Sunday morning worship is at 9:30 and lasts about 1:15 minutes. We also have activities on Wednesday night beginning at 6:00.
Who is welcome?
Any and all are welcome to come and worship with us!
Do you have devices available for the hearing impaired?
In our sanctuary we have both over-the-ear headphones and T-coil hearing aid compatible listening devices.
What version of the Bible is used?
Our pastor preaches and teaches from the New King James version (copies available at the doors of the sanctuary).
Do you offer foreign language interpreters?
Not at the present time.
What to Expect:
What will my child do on Sunday mornings?
Bible-centered teaching, games and activities are available for children of all ages. Preschool age through 5th grade may be checked in prior to service in Building C. Those who stay checked in until after Life Group hour that ends at noon will also partake in snack time. Sixth through twelfth grades will attend 9:30 worship. They have a Life Group in Building B directly after worship service until noon.
How do you observe communion?
We celebrate communion about once every two months. It is led by one of our elders and is open to any believer in right fellowship with the Lord.
What about baptism?
We celebrate baptism as often as there are those ready to profess their relationship through baptism. In order to be baptized, ask to speak to one of the elders or pastors.
What about music?
We sing God-focused songs, old and new, exalting the nature and character of our Lord, along with songs of prayer declaring our need for God, all to the glory of the name of Jesus. Our Worship Arts Ministry team includes a band, orchestra, praise team and worship choir.
What about the preaching?
Our pastor normally uses series to guide us in understanding God’s Word and its application to our lives.
What about small groups?
We call these Life Groups (many would call these Sunday School) and they meet on Sunday prior to and after the worship service, and on Monday nights both in person and via zoom.
What about Bible studies?
Our men’s, women’s and mixed groups have other times for various Bible studies, some using only Scripture and others using a book along with the Bible.
How do I become a member?
After letting one of the pastors know your desire we will invite you to a new member class (meets the first Sunday of the month after worship). One of the elders will want to hear your salvation testimony and baptism. They will also want to hear how the church can minister to you and how you are gifted and areas you are passionate about serving within the church. Finally, those who have completed these steps are presented at a church conference (held each quarter) for approval by the church.
Who are We Connected With and Who Do We Serve?
How can I talk to someone about the church?
Call us at 1-941-627-6352 or email, or stop in the office (located in the Preschool Building) Monday-Thursday and we will sit down with you. You can also contact us by completing this online form.
Connect with Us:
- We are part of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and part of a local association (Peace River Baptists) and the Florida Baptist Convention.
- We support missions through the two agencies of the SBC to advance gospel work across North America and the world. We are also connected to and support other missionaries and ministries.
- We serve the community by involvement at the local schools, Jesus Loves You (homeless outreach ministry), Mobile Medical Unit operating from our location, Disaster Relief, Pregnancy Solutions (crisis pregnancy center), and chaplains serving at area hospitals.
- If you want to get involved in serving (both inside and outside the church), there is a card in the seat backs in the sanctuary that you can fill out, or you can speak to someone at the information desk.
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