Home > Ministries


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What is your calling?

Maybe you define ministry as leading or participating in a mid-week small group. Or desire for your children to know and love the Lord deeply and enroll them in one of our children or youth ministries. Maybe ministry means volunteering or going on a mission trip to a foreign country. Learn more about our ministries...

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Preschool Ministry

Preschoolers are important at Murdock Baptist Church. We at MBC recognize that investing in our children is the Church functioning in its educational task of teaching and training those who will become its future members and leaders.

preschool ministry class
Murdock youth on stage
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A person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to serve the community and God is always cherished. One of the better-known benefits of volunteering is the impact on the community. But whatever you do, work at it with all your heart for our Lord.

hurricane ian volunteer group
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Children's Ministry

We believe that children are part of the Great Commission. Our program includes a strong focus on Missions. Children will be inspired by stories of real-life missionaries. During the week, families are encouraged to serve in any of the outreach areas developed by our church.

Children's Ministry being taught by elder
children's ministry @ Murdock Baptist Church
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Student Ministry

Student Ministry exists to help students see their need for and begin a relationship with Christ. After beginning this relationship, we help the student lay a foundation on living out this new relationship in every area of their life.

student ministry trip - students playing miniature golf
youth ministry on field trip
Boys in ministry class
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Women's Ministry

All Christian women are called to ministry. Join us as we strive to enrich the lives of women. We offer challenging Bible studies and discipleship classes, as well as fellowship such as special luncheons to women life groups.

women's ministry - two church ladies in restaurant smiling at camera
three ladies smiling for camera.  One has chef hat on.
Two ladies from ministry smiling at camera.
Amy and Cheryl smiling for camera
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Men's Ministry

ALL IN Men’s Ministry has one goal and vision: to assist men with their walk with Christ. Our desire is to help men have the courage to explore and begin their walk with Christ, the strength to develop the lifestyle that enhances the discipleship patterns of Christ, and the endurance to live a victorious life that allows their family, friends, colleagues and the younger generations to find their fulfillment in Christ.

men in ministry
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Preschool, Children & Youth Sunday Morning Schedule

Nursery / PreSchool

Birth to Kindergarten

Building C
(Front Entrance faces Tinker Avenue)

9:15 – 11:45 a.m.

Children’s Ministry

1st – 5th

Building C
(Front Entrance faces Tinker Avenue)

9:30 a.m. – Children’s Church,
11:00 a.m. – Children’s Small Groups

Youth Ministry

Worship Main Auditorium @ 9:30 a.m.
Life Groups, Student Building B @ 11:00 am.

Senior High Boys: 9th – 12th
Junior High Boys: 6th – 8th
Senior High Girls: 9th – 12th
Junior High Girls: 6th – 8th

Upcoming Ministry Events

Recent Blogs

Try To Do Your Best, Even If You’re Not At Your Best
Word-Of-The-Day: ‘<Jesus said,>“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”’ (John 14:26) There …
Complaint Department
Is the temperature too hot or too cold at church?  I have watched individuals in a church get up and go adjust the thermostat only to have another person get up and readjust it back to …