Event Series Bible Study

Bible Study

Main Building A, Fellowship Hall 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

Join Pastor Ron and Bryan Skupin as they teach a 12-week study called "Holy Sexuality".

Good Friday Service

Main Stage, Worship Center 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlote, Florida

Good Friday worship invites Christians to reflect on the suffering Christ went through for our sake by sacrificing his life for our sins. Please join us on Good Friday. Come remember the Lord's sacrifice for that night. We'll sing, pray, and reflect on his sacrifice for us. Feel free to bring family or friends.

Easter Sunday Celebration

Main Stage, Worship Center 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlote, Florida

Celebrate your Easter with our Easter Service. Two services available. Sunrise Service at 7 a.m. at Ollie's Pond, Bly Avenue, Port Charlotte or our regular 9:30 Easter Service at Murdock Baptist Church.

Event Series GriefShare


We have all suffered the loss of a loved one and can relate in some fashion to what you’re going through. This is GriefShare, not GriefFix. The healing is found in sharing your grief experience; while coming to terms with the new life you are left with after your loss. Share only what you’re comfortable… Continue Reading GriefShare

Event Series Sharing your Testimony

Sharing your Testimony

Student Building B 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

Learn how to share your testimony and the gospel along with the Cuba team. We will practice this key skill that will serve you and the Lord for the rest of your life. Open to everyone.

Florida Baptist Disaster Relief Region 6 Training

Disaster Relief: We’re Ready! The mission of Florida Baptist Disaster Relief and Recovery Ministries is to “Make a difference” in times of disaster by connecting Florida Baptist Churches and Associations to people and communities impacted by disaster and by responding with Help, Healing, and Hope, that demonstrates and shares the love of Christ. For information about registering, go to: https://flbaptist.org/dr-volunteer/. Click on becoming a credentialed DR volunteer or… Continue Reading Florida Baptist Disaster Relief Region 6 Training

One Blood Drive: April 20th

To make an appointment, please visit oneblood.org/donate-now and use sponsor code 58463.

Port Charlotte High School’s Spring Concert: Jazz & Symphonic Band

Main Stage, Worship Center 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlote, Florida

Mark your calendars and plan to join us as we partner with our local schools. This is not only an opportunity to be entertained by these talented students, it is also an opportunity to minister to them and their families. Don't forget to bring a friend, neighbor or co-worker! Free and Open to the Public.

Port Charlotte High School’s Spring Concert: Solos, Quartets, Quintets, Wind Ensemble

Main Stage, Worship Center 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlote, Florida

Mark your calendars and plan to join us as we partner with our local schools. This is not only an opportunity to be entertained by these talented students, it is also an opportunity to minister to them and their families. Don't forget to bring a friend, neighbor or co-worker! Free and Open to the Public.

Quarterly Church Conference

Main Building A, Fellowship Hall 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

We operate as a congregational church polity which means the membership is informed and votes on church business.  Our church conferences are scheduled quarterly so the church membership can vote on membership requests, hear reports from various teams, and review the church financials for the previous quarter.  We have special call church conferences, announced prior… Continue Reading Quarterly Church Conference