Event Series Dumping Your Debt with S.T.A.R.T.E.

Dumping Your Debt with S.T.A.R.T.E.

Room 106 18375 Cochran Bloulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida

"The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower is servant (slave) to the lender." —Proverbs 22.7 Are there more days at the end of the month than dollars in your budget? Join Jim and Mary Coratti every Wednesday evening in April to hear their debt-free testimony and learn the effective step-by-step process they used… Continue Reading Dumping Your Debt with S.T.A.R.T.E.

Christ in the Passover

Main Building A, Fellowship Hall 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

We will start the evening off with a Potluck dinner, so please bring a dish to share. Following dinner we will enjoy the presentation "Christ in the Passover". Passover celebrates the exodus of the Jewish people from their bondage in Egypt under Pharaoh. However, Passover is also a powerful foreshadowing of Jesus the Messiah's sacrificial… Continue Reading Christ in the Passover

Lord, Teach Me to Study the Bible in 28 Days: Tuesday Evenings

Rooms 106-107 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

Ladies, this interactive workbook leads you into the fascinating world of inductive Bible study where God Himself becomes your teacher. Your Bible reading will never be the same as you learn one concept a day of how to study. This class will be offered on Tuesdays from 6-8 p.m., April 2nd - 30th and Wednesdays… Continue Reading Lord, Teach Me to Study the Bible in 28 Days: Tuesday Evenings

Lord, Teach Me to Study the Bible in 28 Days: Wednesday Mornings

Rooms 106-107 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

Ladies, this interactive workbook leads you into the fascinating world of inductive Bible study where God Himself becomes your teacher. Your Bible reading will never be the same as you learn one concept a day of how to study. This class will be offered on Tuesdays from 6-8 p.m., April 2nd - 30th and Wednesdays… Continue Reading Lord, Teach Me to Study the Bible in 28 Days: Wednesday Mornings

Imagine School’s Spring Concert

Main Stage, Worship Center 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlote, Florida

Mark your calendars and plan to join us as we partner with our local schools. This is not only an opportunity to be entertained by these talented students, it is also an opportunity to minister to them and their families. Don't forget to bring a friend, neighbor or co-worker! Free and open to the public.

A Look Ahead at God’s Grand Plan

Room 107 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

Even a brief look at the news these days can prompt all kinds of worries and questions. Will there ever be peace on earth? How long will the world live under the threat of terrorism? Is a one-world ruler on he horizon? Join Robert & Debbie Crawford for this 6-week Bible study, "Discovering What the… Continue Reading A Look Ahead at God’s Grand Plan

Ladies’ Spring Picnic

Main Building A, Fellowship Hall 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

Come and enjoy a fun afternoon of delicious food, interesting conversation and special music. Ashley Brantley from Jesus Loves You Ministry will be sharing her testimony, along with what is happening at this great ministry in our community. Tickets are $10. Why not invite a friend and join us for a delightful afternoon together!


Men’s Ministry: Movie Night

To What Remains Documentary - "More than 80,000 Americans Missing In Action, One Mission: Bring Them Home". This film documents the work of Dr. Pat Scannon who founded a non-profit, Project Recover. To learn more about the project go to: https://www.projectrecover.org/. To view the trailer go to: https://youtu.be/g8twdI2Q3no?si=qqsytnLq2pluy5Yu.