New Members Class
Are you interested in becoming a member? Or perhaps you have questions? Join us today after service in the Sanctuary for this informative class.
Are you interested in becoming a member? Or perhaps you have questions? Join us today after service in the Sanctuary for this informative class.
poster cover for chonda pierce
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Mark your calendars and plan to join us as we partner with our local schools. This is not only an opportunity to be entertained by these talented students, it is… Continue Reading Port Charlotte High School’s Spring Concert: Jazz & Symphonic Band
Mark your calendars and plan to join us as we partner with our local schools. This is not only an opportunity to be entertained by these talented students, it is… Continue Reading Port Charlotte High School’s Spring Concert: Solos, Quartets, Quintets, Wind Ensemble
We operate as a congregational church polity which means the membership is informed and votes on church business. Our church conferences are scheduled quarterly so the church membership can vote… Continue Reading Quarterly Church Conference
We will start the evening off with a Potluck dinner, so please bring a dish to share. Following dinner we will enjoy the presentation "Christ in the Passover". Passover celebrates… Continue Reading Christ in the Passover
Mark your calendars and plan to join us as we partner with our local schools. This is not only an opportunity to be entertained by these talented students, it is… Continue Reading Imagine School’s Spring Concert
Come and enjoy a fun afternoon of delicious food, interesting conversation and special music. Ashley Brantley from Jesus Loves You Ministry will be sharing her testimony, along with what is… Continue Reading Ladies’ Spring Picnic
Movie Night - Fellowship Hall
To What Remains Documentary - "More than 80,000 Americans Missing In Action, One Mission: Bring Them Home". This film documents the work of Dr. Pat Scannon who founded a non-profit,… Continue Reading Men’s Ministry: Movie Night
Games & Pizza, Fellowship Hall