Ladies’ Spring Picnic

Main Building A, Fellowship Hall 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

Come and enjoy a fun afternoon of delicious food, interesting conversation and special music. Ashley Brantley from Jesus Loves You Ministry will be sharing her testimony, along with what is happening at this great ministry in our community. Tickets are $10. Why not invite a friend and join us for a delightful afternoon together!


Event Series Among Friends Life Group

Among Friends Life Group

Rooms 101-102 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

An interactive Bible study for adults of all ages. There is only one book you can open and the author shows up. We focus on topical discussion and Bible application. When you are Among Friends, you're invited to share and ask questions.

Event Series Overcomers Life Group (NEW)

Overcomers Life Group (NEW)

Room 103 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

You are invited to a newly organized class named Overcomers (formerly Good Grief). We will be looking at the Old Testament book of Proverbs for 7 weeks. The study is titled, "Finding Old Answers to New Questions". All are welcomed.