Cuba missionary works

Why Cuba? So many reasons!

This Wednesday night our most recent team returning from Cuba will update us on their work there, as well as the ways they saw God work in them and those in Fomento.  Every so often I will have someone ask, “Why do you send people to Cuba?”  The most obvious answer is so we can share the gospel as commanded in Matthew 28:19-20 and to see the promise of Revelation 5:9 fulfilled. 

But there is more that should be said in answering this question.  One reason we go is to extend the hands of the local church in Fomento.  We are going to do ministry for them, but to also provide extra hands, bodies and tongues to extend the work already happening there — sort of like you picking up a hoe and joining me in hoeing my garden at my instructions.  Secondly, as we are obedient to the command to go, it changes us.  The preparation for the trip has been life changing for so many.  The confidence in sharing their testimony and also the gospel has translated into greater boldness and sharing here in the USA.  Thirdly, going to Cuba has been eye opening for all of us living in SWFL.  The difference is the level of freedom, economy and manner of living makes all of us very thankful and humbled by what we have in America. 

And at the same time, the very evident joy in the face of so much need convicts us about our lack of joy in the face of hardship.  Fourth, we want our people to see and experience the power of the Holy Spirit. Even though there is a language barrier for most of us, there is a spirit of community, acceptance and love that only happens because the same Spirit lives in those in the church at Fomento and those going from Murdock.  It is not too late for you to consider applying to join the next trip to Cuba.  The links are here on the website for you to begin the process.  And should you have any questions, Gordon Caldwell would be happy to assist you.

Let me quickly add this note: Every trip to Cuba has been expertly led by Gordon.  The level of preparation for the trip, the direction on the trip and the continued shepherding of team members is in the very best of hands and heart in Gordon Caldwell.  I thank God for every remembrance of him and for his tireless service to our Lord and this church.

Pressing on…

Ron Tipton, Senior Pastor

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