
Who Does God Want Us To Choose?

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(20) Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them.  (21) Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”’ (Isaiah 30:20-21)

With the first (and perhaps only) Presidential debate now over, we find ourselves with some insight on the two choices we have.  Both candidates showed their merit (how strong or weak that is, is a matter of individual perception); the strengths and weaknesses each have that will be the foundation of their leadership for our nation over the next four years, for matters foreign and domestic.  Both men have held this position, so we know somewhat what we’ll be getting, but for some it may be a question of loyalty to a party, or toward a particular candidate. 

It is said that 80% of voters have made their choice already and it is set in stone, while 15% are leaning toward one candidate or the other, and 4% are voting for third-party candidates.  1% of voters are truly up in the air and may not make up their minds until they are standing in the voting booth.

Issues are often what makes a candidate appeal to some voters.  It is said the number one issue voters will lean toward is abortion, whether or not a candidate is pro-abortion or pro-life.  Other issues are social programs, constitutional stances, diplomatic relations, government expansion and regulations, and taxes.  Either candidate may not check all the boxes for an individual voter; for example, a candidate may be pro-life, but supports government expansion, deeper global relationships, and restriction of constitutional guarantees.  I myself am pro-life but am against globalism, constitutional restrictions and want government and its regulations reduced.  Should I vote for that candidate or not, over this one issue? 

Another concern is which candidate truly has Faith in Christ?  Both may profess Faith, but then both may show in some areas a great adherence to God’s Word, and yet in others total disregard.  For the non-Christian, this likely will not be a concern but for us who have accepted Christ, how can we discern who will best represent what God desires, and who will act more closely according to His Word?

The context of Isaiah 30 is God pointing out those who turn away from Him will eventually realize that they will no longer be able to run, that what they run to will not be the answer to their questions or the solutions to their problems.  They will eventually turn to God, seek His wisdom and direction, and He will provide it.

In the terms of our Presidential election that is coming in November (and the other elections that are ‘down below’ on the ballot), our decision should be not on how we feel about a particular candidate but, with prayer and direction from the Holy Spirit select the candidate God places upon us to vote for.  We may not like a particular candidate for their political affiliation, or for their behavior or personality but it may be candidate God wants us to select.

We should, however, examine and pray on whether they support His precepts and are in line with Scriptural doctrine.  It is usually the case that candidates do not fully align with Biblical instructions, such as in the case for abortion.  If God provides direction to select a particular candidate, it may be one who is only partially aligned with Christian virtues.  It stands to reason that people are not perfect, and neither is the candidate.  We see in the Bible God’s selection of leaders were not perfect people; David was found to be a womanizer, and Solomon began to follow his foreign wives’ idol worship.  If we look for the completely perfectly aligned candidate, we won’t find one, period. 

Our Faith must be in the plan the Lord has for us; who will God have us follow to have a semblance of His Kingdom that will come.  The best candidate will not be perfect, but will be the one who God provides as the best.   Never forget this Truth, the United States always elect the people we corporately desire, and we always elect the people we corporately deserve.  Pray that the one we elect in November is the one God provides as the best choice.  I will accept who we elect, however, to quote Joshua 24:15, “for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

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