What If There Are No Eggs To Go In Your Basket?
Word-Of-The-Day: ‘“The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign Lord, “when I will send a famine through the land— not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord.’ (Amos 8:11); ‘(33) <God> turned rivers into a desert, flowing springs into thirsty ground, (34) and fruitful land into a salt waste, because of the wickedness of those who lived there.’ (Psalm 107:33-34)
How could the US, the ‘land of plenty’, go into a total famine, a lack of food? It is said we are a week away from societal collapse; if grocery store shelves go bare in one week the onset of starvation and anarchy will begin. Why would the Lord allow this to happen? We can go to Amos 8:11. Where the Israelites were asking the same question. Israel was about 100 years away from the Babylonian Exile; at this point the Israelites had fallen away from God’s Word; although they were somewhat religious, they were not righteous.
They went through the motions of Faith without having Faith (similar to those who are ‘6½-Day Heathenists’, or they go to church on Sunday morning, but live lives that are ungodly for the next 6½ days), if they even bothered to do that. Many worshipped false gods, and worse, themselves. Some were progressive and included popular traits in society in their worship. In Amos’ day, things were good under the rule of Jeroboam II; Israel had recaptured many lands that they previously controlled, and there was wealth in the nation.
God had forewarned the Israelites before that His hand of protection and blessing would be removed from Israel if they failed to properly worship Him. Through Amos, God warned that when He would remove His hand, it would not only be the bounty the land provided but His guidance and protection would also go away. The ‘good times’ created a ‘weak people’; 100 years later Israel (and Judah) collapsed and Israel went into exile, a destitute people who suffer famine as their land was devastated from natural disasters and war. God did what was written in Psalms 107; The Israelites’ unrighteous ways brought about Him removing Himself from their affairs. The Lord removed Himself because Israel did not want Him. The people got what they wanted, and in turn got what they earned.
If you go back to the first paragraph, and replace Israelites or Israel with Americans or the US, it describes what is happening today; ‘at this point Americans had fallen away from God’s Word; although they were somewhat religious, they were not righteous. They went through the motions of Faith without having Faith (like ‘6½-Day Heathenists’) if they even bothered to do that. Many worshipped false gods, and worse, themselves. Some were progressive and included popular traits in society in their worship.’
Can we suffer famines, war, pestilence? We can; we have suffered through indirect affects of war; we have suffered pestilence (COVID). Famine may be next on the list. Since COVID, various items have been in short supply, just not all at once. What happens when every item goes missing? We may not be able to stop it, but if we remain Faithful, sharing the Gospel to those who need to hear it, His Word will continue to be bountiful. The most important thing to keep on the shelves for consumption is God!