
Warnings Against Folly

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(16) There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: (17) haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, (18) a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, (19) a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.’ (Proverbs 6:16-19)  

The first half of Proverbs 16, in the NIV, has a subtitle of ‘Warnings Against Folly’, which verses 16-19 are a part of.  When we see these ‘Despicable 7’ things, we can identify that which is against God.  We find there are two types of lying that God finds detestable: the spoken lie and the actions of the liar. Those who lie often have the other five attributes of ‘detestable’; they are arrogant, believing they are above reproach in their false beliefs and better than those who do not share in those beliefs.  They seize opportunities to engage their beliefs onto others and develop plans to bring about their beliefs into actions.  These beliefs may harm others, both directly or indirectly, and they disrupt families and communities by enforcing their beliefs.  

Is this not a description of the ‘woke’ movement and culture?  Arrogance in the lie that brings about physical and mental ruin to those around them.  The lie that is in that movement convinces individuals to believe in the lie, and to then lie to themselves that it is better to mutilate their physical and mental self to fit into the false beliefs that surround them.  Transgenderism is such a movement, where someone is convinced, either by self or another, that they were ‘assigned’ the wrong sex at birth and need to be gender ‘reassigned’.

As if gender reassignment was not going far enough, people are also identifying as ‘transabled’, or healthy people are identifying as handicapped.  Apparently the ‘transabled’ can be in various degrees, from simply stating ‘I’m handicapped’ when one is perfectly healthy, to those who desire (and are seeking to force doctors to perform) surgeries that amputate perfectly good limbs, blind perfectly good eyes, or sever functioning spinal columns to become permanently handicapped. In both events, the lies are evil and destroys not only the people receiving such barbaric surgeries, but their families and their communities.

There is, in the midst of this, good news.  While the mortal effects of falling into the belief of the lies – the mutilation – may not be able to be reversed, obtaining salvation through a new belief, the acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior, provides a clean mind and Spirit that can never be changed or mutilated.  In eternity, the mistakes of falling for the lie are replaced with a new body, incorruptible and unblemished.  Even for those who have been damaged by the lie of the ‘woke’ can come to Salvation, no matter how much they have changed physically.  Surgeries may not be irreversible, but a denial of God can be as long as one is alive; there is always hope for a change through repentance.  The Gospel is for all, and all can be forgiven by God toward those who accept Him!

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