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The world’s hate, Christ’s love

The world will hate those who follow Christ because it hated Him. This is clear in John 15:18, which we covered this morning. We recognize that the reason we are hated is because when we live, think, speak and act as Jesus would, we hold up the mirror of truth (as we live out the commands of Christ found in Scripture) and it is convicting. It is not a flattering image, but one marred by sin and shame which those apart from Christ want to hide in self-righteousness.

In various times and places this hatred has resulted in the loss of life, employment, and even family relationships. I went to college with a friend whose family actually held a funeral for him when he surrendered his life to following Christ. I cannot imagine the hurt and pain he has dealt with in the ostracization he has faced from his family. And yet there is another way the world has of inflicting pain on the follower of Christ. The apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 4:10 writes to Timothy near the end of his life, while imprisoned. He requests that Timothy come quickly as he has been forsaken by a close co-worker, Demas. The reason Paul gives for Demas’ defection is that “he has forsaken me, having loved this present world.” This word “forsaken” is used again in verse 16 and has the meaning of “to cast away, to abandon and leave in dire straits.”

In our today’s culture, we see far too often those who have professed Christ and worked alongside us suddenly walk away from Christ, the church and us. And it hurts when they do! This is rarely a snap decision, but a slow drift over a period of time. The world never stops questioning or wooing anyone with the pleasures and offerings of sin and self. And with the full knowledge that this hurts and discourages the followers of Christ.

One last note: It also hurts when church members ghost the church and leave without explanation and go to another church. Let’s stop the hurting.

Pressing on…

Ron Tipton, Senior Pastor

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