
The Valley Of Decision

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘”For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone”, declares the Sovereign Lord. “Repent and live!”’ (Ezekiel 18:32); ‘For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.’ (1 Corinthians 15:22)

Mortal life can end in an instant, and for all of us (100% of all folks, except Enoch and Elijah), we will one day experience this.  Only those who know Jesus as their Lord and accept Him as such will know Eternal Life in His presence.  God does not wish anyone to die; death was not part of His design when creating the heavens and the Earth.  However, when Adam & Eve failed the test of the Garden of Eden, sin created the experience of death. 

In Ezekiel 18:32, God states that death, not being what He wants for all people, has given everyone the opportunity to live.  God has provided His Law (the Levitical Law) and the Ultimate Sacrifice to fulfill the Law, His Son Jesus, to allow us the means to have Eternal Life with Him, living in His Glory.  Everyone has this choice, the choice to accept Jesus as Lord and repent of our sin, or the choice to ignore Jesus and continue to wallow in our sin.  Failure to accept Jesus is to have Eternal Life not with God, separated from Him forever.  Forever means forever for all Eternity, in the only place reserved for those who do not accept Christ, a place called Hell, that will be placed ultimately into the ‘Lake of Fire’.  A place that will be far worse than anything we can imagine as it will be a place without light, or interaction with others.  That is a fate worse than death; an eternity without end of utter loneliness and seclusion, in blackness and torment of fire.

Those that died in the ‘Oceangate’ submersible died instantly, without a ‘second chance’ of accepting the Lord’s gift of salvation.  It is hoped they made that decision before tragedy occurred.  They have now gone in front of Jesus, in Judgement of one count, did they accept or deny Jesus?  Their Eternal Life rests on the only fact that matters; they either accepted Him, or they did not.  The criticality of accepting Christ is no longer upon those five men, but it is upon the ‘Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.’ (Joel 3:14).  What as a Christian are you doing to provide the Gospel message to those in the Valley of Decision?  There is no time more critical than right now, as right now may be all they have – and all you have.

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