
Stay Hydrated!

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(1) In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (2) Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.’ (Genesis 1:1-2); <Jesus> said to <Apostle John>: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.” (Revelation 21:6)

Water is a foundational element in Creation.  We find that God, when He started Creation, made the Earth covered with water.  The land, the plants, and the animals came later but the water had to come first as life is dependent on it, second only to air in importance.  One can survive about 6 minutes without air, and 2-3 days without water, while people have been known to live without food for weeks.  Without water, plants shrivel and crops fail.  We need to hydrate or our bodily systems begin to shut down, and if outside we will suffer heat exhaustion or worse, heat stroke. 

The importance of water cannot be understated, and we need pure, clean water to properly hydrate.  Drinking sodas, coffee, or other beverages will hydrate the body but not to the effect that pure water can quench thirst, without the body needing to do much else to consume it.  Sodas, for example, are OK but then the body must work to consume the sugars and process the carbonation and other impurities.  It ends up the body will use most of the water in the soda to ‘filter’ out and process those ‘impurities’.  Plain old water is still the best thing to use for hydration.

Purity is the key for proper digestion, and it is the key for our Spiritual needs.  Jesus gives us the fact that only He is the ‘Living Water’ we need for Eternal Life (John 4); He is pure, with no impurities, so we can ‘digest’ this Living Water without any need to filter the Word or place conditions when we follow Him.  The Gospel doesn’t need to be flavored or modified for ‘modern taste’.  The plain Word today, without any ‘twists or additives’, is as satisfying as it was when it was back in Genesis 1:1 and will still be satisfying when Jesus proclaims in Revelation 21 that ‘it is done!’  Like water, we need nothing else but Jesus to be fully saturated with the Spirit, and He is the only thing that will work to quench our thirst for Eternal Life!

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