
Prepare Yourself Who To Vote For, With God’s Wisdom

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘<Moses told the Israelites,> “Choose some wise, understanding and respected men from each of your tribes, and I will set them over you.”’ (Deuteronomy 1:13); ‘When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.’ (Proverbs 29:2)

It is important as Christians to go vote in the next election on 5 November (now less than a month away). Among the items for voting are School Board seats, as well as the Hospital Board seats (in Sarasota), along with a seat in the Senate and of course who will be the President of the United States.  I strongly urge you, as Christians, to look at those on the ballot for these local boards; go and ‘Google’ them, read up on each of them, see who endorses them, and see what they represent. 

The philosophy ‘BE PREPARED, BE AWARE, PLAN ACCORDINGLY’ can be applied to voting for candidates – be prepared to go vote, make yourselves aware of the available candidates and what they represent, and plan on who you will vote for, and when you can, go vote.  Know your precinct and polling location if you vote on Election Day, or the local Election office for early in-person voting if you do not participate via mail-in balloting.

Casting votes, in some form or fashion, goes back to the days of the Hebrews wandering through the desert, when Moses became overburdened by the demands of 12 Tribes and its people and needed to have help.  He instituted each tribe to selected people capable to oversee smaller groups within each tribe to handle disputes and to implement decisions that may not affect other tribes or families.  This was rudimentary democracy; the people selected those who would lead them, and with leaders over leaders, up to the individual tribe, then Moses oversaw the leaders of the 12 tribes.  In much the same way we see our local government, which is overseen by state government, which is overseen (in great capacity, but not entirely) by the federal government. 

Note that God, though Moses, told the people to choose ‘wise, understanding, and respected men’.  It is Godly and correct to ensure when choosing our School Board members, our legislators, and others in authority to choose those which respect righteous laws and customs.  Unfortunately in the US, we have been selecting, including Christians in my opinion, some who hold values contrary to Biblical virtues, and thus we now have proponents of abortion, LGBTQ, and child transgenderism in positions of authority.  The old adage is true, we collectively vote who and what we want, thus we vote for who and what we deserve.  The lack of examination brings into positions of authority those who hold antithetical values such as the ‘woke’ culture and indoctrinates our children into these perverse values.

Proverbs 29:2 tells us the truth of what we see today; the current political climate that pushes the lie over the truth has hurt the American people (and also hurt people globally as well).  The ‘wicked’ do rule today; we see perversion in our highest Federal government positions, a push toward a ‘green’ future with no planning to make this change of direction work, and a dehumanization of those who disagree.  We see inflation running rampant, the wrong and evil falsely bragging they are ‘good and right’, diseases allowing to run amok without condemnation of the actions causing their spread – are majority of the people groaning or rejoicing?  Those who are Righteous are not thriving in this current political environment.

But with God, we who are Righteous can change this.  We can speak up without fear; share your Faith with others, tell the Good News, and start acting upon that which we Christians can make a difference.  Vote for candidates who back Christian values, and if you as a Christian inkling for a challenge – run for a public office.  Pray and study God’s Word, and act upon His guidance!

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