man standing in front of GOD

Our best – only – advocate

If any of us had to stand before a judge in court, we would want someone to stand with us — to advise us, to speak for us.  Someone who knew the system and how to best represent us.  This morning, we saw that men were called out to be high priests, to stand before God on behalf of the people, to offer sacrifices on their behalf due to their sins.  But the high priests had to offer for themselves first because they were just like the people they represented. 

Now, I don’t know about you, but if I had to stand before a judge, I would want a lawyer/advocate who hadn’t been before the same judge just 10 minutes earlier to stand up for me.  I would really want someone whose character is at least well thought of in the courtroom, right?  Well, the high priests were well thought of, but everyone knew these men had to sacrifice for their own sins first because they struggled with the same things as all the people.  One of the ways Jesus is a better High Priest than all those before (and there has been no need of any since) is that He had no character issues.  He had no sin that needed to be sacrificed for before giving His life for those whose sins condemn them before God. 

The Bible is clear that all men will stand before God at some point in the future to be judged.  The only possible advocate to stand for me, for you at that time will be Jesus, as He is sinless.  He never had any character issues, obedience issues, sin issues.  And if it isn’t Jesus advocating for you, then there is an old adage that is applicable. “A lawyer (man) who represents himself has a fool for a client.”  The only reason a person would have to represent himself is because he said “No” to the call of God to be saved.  (Psalm 53:1)  The Great High Priest of Heaven, Jesus Christ, has opened the way for salvation for you. Will you believe and trust Him with your life?

Pressing on…

Ron Tipton, Senior Pastor

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