Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
Drop-off Now! Deadline: November 24th. Church Members, thank you for your faithfulness to children around the world who will receive your shoeboxes with the Gospel message presented to them by Samaritan’s Purse.
Drop-off Now! Deadline: November 24th. Church Members, thank you for your faithfulness to children around the world who will receive your shoeboxes with the Gospel message presented to them by Samaritan’s Purse.
If you are interested or even just curious about going to Cuba on a mission trip mark your calendar for Sunday, June 18 at 12 noon. Continue Reading Cuba Interest Meeting
MBC will once again be engaging with our community through our Fall Festival on Saturday, October 28th and we need help. Learn how you can help. Continue Reading Volunteers needed for our Fall Fest 2023
Next Sunday you will see folks wearing Jesus Loves You “Walk for Them” t-shirts. take a moment to ask them why they walk or ask if YOU can sponsor them with your donation for the 2nd Annual “Walk for Them” on January 21st. Come see us at the Missions Desk for more information or to… Continue Reading Look Around, It’s JLY~T Shirt Sunday
The preschool and children are selling hot chocolate and chocolate-covered pretzels to raise money for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Find us in the fellowship hall or out the side door of the sanctuary toward the student building after service. Thank you for supporting our kids as they participate in supporting our missionaries.
We will have the photo booth setup and ready for Father’s Day next Sunday, so step up and get your photo taken and make a memory! Sunday from 9:15 – 11:30, June 16th. Happy Father’s Day!
Sign up to participate in this year’s PraiSing event, July 31st at 6 pm. This will be a family dinnertime where you are able to share a talent, song, or dramatic reading that honors the Lord and would be a blessing to the church. Take the opportunity of “..teaching and admonishing one another with songs,… Continue Reading Got talent?