“Operation Christmas Child” Shoe Boxes
Tax-free time is NOW for children’s clothing and school supplies, so let’s start shopping for Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. Sales tax holiday in Florida is from July 24th thru August 6th.
Tax-free time is NOW for children’s clothing and school supplies, so let’s start shopping for Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. Sales tax holiday in Florida is from July 24th thru August 6th.
Next Sunday you will see folks wearing Jesus Loves You “Walk for Them” t-shirts. take a moment to ask them why they walk or ask if YOU can sponsor them with your donation for the 2nd Annual “Walk for Them” on January 21st. Come see us at the Missions Desk for more information or to… Continue Reading Look Around, It’s JLY~T Shirt Sunday
We need Volunteers! We could use more help. We could use at least another five to six volunteers for next school year. If interested in being a volunteer or would like to make some donations, please contact us at office@murdockbaptistchurch.com. If you’d like to learn more about this program or becoming a volunteer, click here.
Reminder: In order to ensure that your tithes and offerings are included in the 2023 Giving Statement, please make sure they are received or postmarked no later than December 31st. You can give online at murdockbaptistchurch.org, look for the green “Give Online” button at the top of each page or go directly to: https://osvhub.com/murdockbaptistchurch/funds. You… Continue Reading Year End Giving
Join Jeff Burns and I on Saturday, July 29th at 8:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall for Prayer and Worship! Coffee and Donuts/Pastries will be provided. Mark your calendars, and we will look forward to seeing you there! – Joe Miller
November 3-10, 2023 Please pray for the Cuba Team as they prepare to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Fomento. Pray that God will empower them through His Holy Spirit, put specific people of Cuba in their path, and share the love of Christ. Please pray for the Cuban people who… Continue Reading Cuba Missions
Please continue to pray for our Cuba team. Gordon Caldwell, Erin Caldwell, Bev Frost, Bill Richards, Sharon Walters, Debbie Hill, Martha Hanneman, Walter Carnrite, Robert Johnson and Lori Zimmerman.