
Only God Creates The Gender of People

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.’ (Genesis 2:7); ‘The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”’ (Genesis 2:18); ‘(21) So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. (22) Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man.’ (Genesis 2:21-22)

In 2022, President Biden announced his endorsement for children to be ‘transgenderized’ through hormones and sex-change operations (both ‘top’ or breast surgery and ‘bottom’ or genital surgery).  Along with the President, the Walt Disney Corporation announced around the same time it would attempt to lobby to force the rescindment of the Florida law that would prevent children in kindergarten through 3rd grade to be taught sexual orientation and gender reassignment concepts in public schools.  Also, it was released that Disney’s corporate agenda would promote to children LGBTQ and transgender transformation in their future animation, movie, TV and theme park programming.  Since this announcement, there has been some retraction by Disney in their stance (in part due to public outcry) but it can be seen in recent releases that the ‘woke’ agenda is still heavily pushed in their productions.

To be blunt, why is there such a push to mutilate our children?  The sins of abortion are horrendous enough, but now we have to add the forced entrapment of children into the gender they are not of.  If you see a 4-year-old girl playing with Tonka trucks or a 5-year-old boy playing with a tea set does not mean either the girl or boy are ‘gender-confused’.  To jump to the conclusion that the girl or boy must be transgenderized is as wrong as me transgenderizing my Kia Forte sedan into a pickup because I load a bunch of 2x4s in it (which I do). 

The Forte does not need to be made into a pickup and it has been designed as a sedan and is better suited to remain a sedan.  Girls grow up to be women who love being women also drive lifted Jeeps through the mud in the ‘badlands’ of eastern North Port.  There are men who are manly but who also enjoy watching and crying during romantic comedies with their wives (and being Die Hard and Terminator are romantic comedies, I’m one of them).   

There are those who suffer from ‘gender dystopia’ or ‘gender confusion’, get the sex-change operation as adults, and then later regret it.  Walt Heyer, founder of ‘SexChangeRegret.com’, was interviewed by Fox News’ Laura Ingraham, providing over 20% of those who have the surgery regret it and return to live as their naturally assigned genders, and as many as 40% of transgender people commit suicide or fall into some life-threatening addiction.  (Mr. Heyer himself once became Ms. Heyer before realizing that it was not normal and has accepted himself again as Mr. Heyer, though he had been physically altered.) 

If these numbers seem high for adults who did this voluntarily, what do we think the numbers will be among the children who are involuntarily transgenderized?  If we think these children will be happy and joyful, we are indeed the ones who are foolish into thinking we know better than God in handling His Creation.

In Genesis, on Creation Day 6, God made man (Genesis 1:27).  Genesis 2 describes in greater detail the Creation of man, man’s role (dominion over creatures) and to ensure the man had a suitable companion, God created woman.  Note that God made men and women to be compatible, but also gave each different traits (both emotional and physical).  These different traits are in many cases opposite but compatible in order to have proper function.  First, there are only two genders and there only needs to be two genders in God’s Creation. 

God made humans and almost every animal this way for procreation.  There is no other way to procreate; two men together or two women together cannot procreate.  Men (contrary to the current secular worldview) cannot get pregnant, man can only impregnate.  Only women can become pregnant and carry the child as they are the only of the two genders to have a womb and have the ‘plumbing’ to do so successfully and naturally. 

Emotionally, men are built to protect and provide for their women and children; women are built to nurture and care for their men and children.  This does not mean men do not have some nurturing skills, or women do have the means to protect or provide; God however has assigned roles to both men and women that are primary and secondary, and when necessary, those secondary roles can be tapped into and used.  As an example, a single parent will need to take over both roles and do well in the short term.  However, as previously written, if there is only one person in a child’s life, the missing parent’s role suffers and becomes lacking.  Adding estrogen to men or testosterone to women do not change these emotional traits. 

This is why those who suffer from gender confusion often become even more depressed, and why it is wrong to force gender reassignment on children.  I could make my Kia Forte look like a pickup, but it’s frame and suspension are still for a sedan.  It may look like a pickup, and could do some pickup things, but it will never be a pickup.  Make a man look like a woman physically (or vice versa), but emotionally, and down to the framework (the chromosomes) the man will always be a man (and the woman a woman).  When the secular man fails, he fails because he thinks he can do more and better than God can, but finds out that God’s Creation can never be duplicated – the original design is always perfect and the copy of that design is always flawed.

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One Comment

  1. We always need God because the world is getting more and more away from God IN JOHN 14: 6 JESUS SAID IM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE NO MAN COMES TO FATHER EXSELF THOUGH ME …

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