No Church Activities
There will be no church activities, Wednesday, November 23rd and the church office will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. Wishing you all a very blessed Thanksgiving!
There will be no church activities, Wednesday, November 23rd and the church office will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. Wishing you all a very blessed Thanksgiving!
Sign up to participate in this year’s PraiSing event, July 31st at 6 pm. This will be a family dinnertime where you are able to share a talent, song, or dramatic reading that honors the Lord and would be a blessing to the church. Take the opportunity of “..teaching and admonishing one another with songs,… Continue Reading Got talent?
If you are remotely interested in going to Cuba this November, you will need a passport that expires after May 3, 2024. Some renewals are taking 5-6 months. For more information, contact Gordon Caldwell at 1-941-661-0446.
Murdock Baptist Church will be engaging with our community with a special Christmas celebration of singing and storytelling. We need volunteers, if interested… Continue Reading Carols of Christmas
The Preschool and Children’s Church will be serving lemonade following service today. This is an opportunity for our children to learn how to be the church as they serve the MBC congregation while raising funds for our Summer Missions campaign. Please visit the stand in the Fellowship Hall or the back hallway on your way… Continue Reading This Little Light Lemon-Aid Stand for Missions – Last Chance!
On Wednesday night, children get to spend their hard earned “money”. Your generous donations allow them to buy fun things after working so hard memorizing Bible verses. We are in need of donations of new or gently used summer themed or Mother’s Day items for children. Donations are needed by April 21st and are greatly… Continue Reading Last AWANA Store of the Year – April 24th
If you are able, please consider joining us Saturday, April 6th starting at 7 a.m. as we begin to wrap up the parking lot reseal project. Lunch will be served around 11:30. Thank you so much for the hard work already put into this!