father looking up to sky with son

Look to the Son

Fathers make us who we are. Whether they are absent or present, kind or mean, encouraging or demanding, fathers make us who we are.  Their impact looms large in all the major areas of our life.  Many will say that their father was the most important person in their life.  It is his example they strive to follow and his approval they crave.  On Sunday, we looked at the role of Moses in the life of Israel.  Without Moses, many in Israel would say the nation would never have existed.  The nation of Israel looked to Moses as the lawgiver, whom they followed that they might be right with God.  They held him up as the example to which they aspired.  Yet, the book of Hebrews teaches us that Jesus is better than Moses, for Jesus not only serves, but is the Son, the second person of the Trinity.  He is obedient in every way, even to death on the cross.  Jesus is not only better than Moses, He is better than any of our fathers.  Since He is, let me encourage you to follow His example and strive for His approval.

Pressing on…

Ron Tipton, Senior Pastor

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