
Look Out For Wolves Wearing Wool…

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(15) <Jesus said,> “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. (16) By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? (17) Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.’ (Matthew 7:15-17)

There are many who have the title of ‘Reverend’, and are charismatic, having many things that may convince people they are of God and represent God; They can be photogenic, have a nice smile, and obviously enough people like what they are ‘selling’ to be popular – even getting elected to political office or becoming a news pundit.  In several cases, the media promotes them as Godly men (or women), with their support of social justice issues, and promoters of civil rights.

However, Jesus warns us not to always take things at face value.  Some of these ‘reverends’ use their position for self-enrichment as they may not ‘lead’ a church but still collect a significant salary and housing allowance in return for their association.  This alone should be a ‘red-flag’ as the perception of greed is one a pastor should not have.  A socially favorable stance in favor of abortion and LGBTQ are also red-flags.  Not everyone who calls themselves ‘reverend’ is someone who has Godly-based principles.  Jesus calls us who profess to be Christian to look at the accomplishments and actions of someone before they are considered ‘good’ or ‘bad’ – deeds before words.

The consideration ‘good’ or ‘bad’ must also be done based on the Scriptural Worldview.  It may be ‘good’ in the secular worldview to be so ‘open-minded’, that it is OK to be paid for work not done as one is ‘due it’.  However, we know good intentions or good perceptions don’t always equal ‘good’.  Supporting the ‘right to choose’ may seem noble to those of the secular realm, but they fail to admit that a child yet to be born will die, for the sake of ‘convenience’. 

Again, ‘convenience’ is a weasel word, one that on the surface sounds ‘good’ but done for the wrong reasons can be done with evil intent.    The wolf in sheep’s clothing offers easy and convenient solutions, or flowing words to instill a false sense of peace and conformity.  In the end, though, there is much pain and not so much peace in conforming to false promises. 

Obey the Lord, look at the fruit one generates, and be tuned into the Holy Spirit to have Him guide you to what the good fruit is.  It may not always be the one that is ‘shining the brightest’ but the one who is truly tuned into God.

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