
Live On The Rock-Solid Foundation Of God

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘<Daniel said to King Nebuchadnezzar,>”…the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever.”’ (Daniel 2:44); ‘…if I <Peter> am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.’ (1 Peter 3:15)

These two apparently different verses are telling us who are Christian a similar message.  In Daniel 2, Daniel explains the dream of the statue ‘Neb’ had; that the statue’s legs were mixed with strong (iron) and weak (clay) components, especially its foundation (the feet).  Both were the products of man, and while there is much in the way of symbolism, one of these symbols is that while man can be convinced that iron or clay will last forever, they will not.  Man builds upon the Lie that all accomplishments are of ‘his’ doing, that ‘his’ way – without God – is the ‘right’ way. 

However, as in Daniel 2:34-35, God’s Truth, the Foundation of what all is really built upon to last forever, is stronger than any ‘foundation’ that man can build, and that God’s Truth will eventually and completely destroy the Lie.  Our nation unfortunately had its foundation, which attempted to build upon God’s precepts, weakened by man’s folly.  Today we find in Post-Constitutional America the ‘iron and clay’ used in an attempt to replace God.  We know this will fail, but in the process will cause great ‘gnashing of the teeth’ as those who see the Lie for what it is get persecuted for trying to convey the Truth.

1 Peter 3:15 tells us, though, we need to act in unison and be conducive to God’s ways during these times when the ‘iron and clay’ is still standing and being touted as ‘foundational’.  We will be told to ‘comply or else’, to ‘fall in line’ or be made into an example.  We can replace Peter’s ‘I’ with Jesus saying ‘I’; until Jesus returns for His church, we should know how to conduct ourselves and honor Him by obeying Him and His Word, even if it means persecution. 

Standing up for the Truth in spite of the Lie is through obedience, and that means saying Yes to Christ and No to the Lie, even if that means harassment, imprisonment, or even death.  As true as this was 1,000 years ago, and as true as this will be 1,000 years from now, the Truth today is to stand firm on God’s eternally sound Foundation and avoid the iron and clay foundation that will surely shatter.

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