Letting Go

Let Go Of Old Things

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘<God said through Isaiah,> “See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.”’ (Isaiah 65:17)

God through Isaiah tells us of the End Times, and in verse 17 promises us that He will bring forth ‘new heavens and a new earth’.  God is not sentimental, and He will rid His Creation from the taint of sin that it once had.  We being human, however, are sentimental for both people and things.  We hold tight to reminders of our past; I have a curio cabinet with glasses, pins, patches and other assorted trinkets of places I have gone to – ‘been there, done that’.  I sometimes glance at them and a distant memory comes of a place far away in a time long gone.  We do this in part to hold on to what we once possessed; people we knew, places we’ve been to, and those memories (especially the good ones) are precious.  We remember the past to remember the lessons we learned. 

While it is good to remember the past, do not live in the past or for the past. Now some old items need to be held onto (I’m happy my wife hasn’t set me out on the curb) and if it still has purpose (I think I still do) then it should be held onto.  However, we sometimes hold onto things for the wrong reasons.   

God’s example is we should not hold onto things; those things that can be let go of, should be.  Don’t cling to the old things, let them go.  An old car, or an old memory, or an old fridge may be something you want to cling to, but if the Lord has blessed you with a new one, let the old one go or at least don’t let it define you today.  We should not be burdened by clinging to the past but be free to move forward in the future.  The creation of the new heavens and earth, and the old heavens and earth being swept away (Revelation 21:1) tells us God does not hold onto the past but ushers in a new future for His people. God is an on-time God and an up-to-date God for the here and now, and for the future. 

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