Jesus Promises Peace, Even In Times Of Trouble
Word-Of-The-Day: ‘<Jesus said,>“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”’ (John 16:33)
While it is good to see the pendulum swing the other way, when it comes to seeing the years of fraud, waste, corruption and grift coming to light and the appearance of meaningful reforms in the bureaucracy of our federal government. There is still the entrenchment of those who still wish to perpetuate it. The pendulum is also swinging away from the ‘woke’ agenda of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE), transgenderism and gender fluidity, the removal of genetic males from women’s sports, and the elimination of identity politics from our government and military. Still, there are those who are fighting to hold onto to the ill-gotten gains they made in our institutions.
There are still the evils of abortion, the destruction of illicit virus manipulation, and the economic and criminal crippling of permitting criminal activity running rampant in much of our nation, though the current administration is starting to correct the course of the United States. It certainly seems as a collective group due to this permissive environment we have had a lot of troubles over the last decade; a pandemic, economic turmoil, shortages, poor national leadership, military debacles, and more. Some have had personal tragedy or loss in their lives, and in other parts of the world things for the Christians, as persecuted as they were before, has gotten even worse. Even in the US, Christian persecution rose, some of it even government-led, such as the FBI involvement in Catholic churches in Virginia and elsewhere.
It is in times like these we must focus on Jesus; as with the Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus knows and has compassion on us who believe, and see and feel firsthand the troubles we find growing. Overcoming the world and its trouble through His tribulations, up to His hanging upon the cross, Jesus cannot only relate to our troubles but He accompanies us through our troubles. Jesus guides us and encourages us as we go through these pitfalls. We are not to worry or become discouraged, but to be freely content in His presence. His gift of companionship is Eternal and He is omnipresent; as Jesus himself said – twice! – let your heart not be troubled, in John 14:1 and John 14:27.
Paul in Philippians 4:6-7 implores us to not to allow our troubles to overwhelm us, but to give them over to Jesus, who will provide us peace. It may seem like the odds are overwhelming, like we may never get out of the doldrums of corruption and evil. To be fair, we may not in our lifetimes; the Israelites lived in the bondage of Egypt for four hundred years before being freed from captivity, when God appointed Moses to lead them to the Promised Land of Canaan. Even on the way there, one more generation – due to their lack of Faith – had to pass away, including Moses, before the Israelites led by Joshua could cross the Jordan River.
Things may indeed look bleak, and perhaps they will improve and stay improved for a long period. Or this only may be a brief respite before evil, and troubles evil brings, roars back in full force. Either way, know that Jesus is in control. God has given him the keys to the Kingdom, literally, and His perfect will shall rule over all of Creation, with His people beside Him. We must involve ourselves in our government by holding our representatives responsible, watching over them and their actions, as they work for us.
However, never lose that we first our Children of God, and that we serve our Lord first, then we are American citizens second. All actions should be with God and His worship in mind. If we act in Righteousness, ensuring Righteous actions take place by our elected representatives, then our period of improvement may extend beyond our mortal years.
No matter the weather, having Jesus makes it better! He has overcome the world, and though we will always have troubles, we can also have His peace!
Jesus is my Strength and my Savior, I never want to walk without Him by my side. Amen.