Nuclear Blast

‘It’s The End Of The World As We Know It, & I Feel Fine’; Not A Song – A Statement Of Faith

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.’ (Romans 15:4); ‘Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.’ (Psalm 42:11)

The context of Romans 15 (and the previous chapter, Romans 14) is for those strong in the Faith of Christ to help those who are weaker in Faith, in Spiritual as well as physical or mental needs as necessary and as possible.  Trials and tribulations can certainly cause issues in all three categories, and those who are the weakest in Faith can have a Spiritual crisis develop; ‘why would God let this happen to me/us?’. 

The Psalmist in Psalm 42 (not David, but the ‘sons of Korah’) wrote this lamentation psalm in the vein of ‘why would God let this happen to me/us?’; Similar to Job crying out to God with (at first no response), Psalm 42 tells us twice (in verse 5 and 11) that when we have such feelings we need to turn to Jesus with Hope, and acknowledge that our problems are all solvable by our Creator.  Our problems may not be solved according to our wishes, but according to His will.  This requires Faith, that whatever crisis we face, God remains in control and can handle anything we face.

We who are strong in Faith should bolster and help those who are weak.  But who bolsters the strong?  Romans 15:4 answers this; Jesus does!  This is why fellowship is so important, as each of us may be strong in one Spiritual aspect but weak in another.  Even the strongest among us in any situation can get discouraged, due to situations, events, health issues, family issues – anything in the physical and mental realms of our existence can cause a Spiritual crisis of Faith.  But Paul, in his letter to the Christians in Rome, tells us that when we have such a crisis, we need to rely on that which we have learned through the study of the Bible.  Every situation we encounter is covered in the Word, and it should encourage us that others have gone through what we are going through. 

The methodologies of events may be different but the basis is the same as we find it in Scriptures; for example, there have been wars and the world was once destroyed by the Great Flood.  We may be facing another global conflict that if it goes nuclear, may end up destroying the world as we now know it (though there will be those who survive). However, we can find solace and resolve that we can get through such decimation and destruction, with the support we find in Christ through His Word.  No matter the situation or event, the Bible covers it and the resolution God provides.  God’s response will always be true to His perfect nature. 

Have endurance to get through events, through the lessons found in the Bible, supported in fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ.  No matter how dire, or how wonderful, the situation you find yourself in – praise the Lord!  Praise Him when things are good, and praise Him when things are bad.  In every situation, have Hope in Jesus!

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One Comment

  1. Is that really a song title?

    Answer: Yes! ‘It’s The End of The World As We Know It’ was a pop song from the group R.E.M., released on their album ‘Document’ in 1987. -Elmer-

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