
It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane – No, It’s A Faithful Christian!

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘<Jesus said to Peter & the Apostles,> “But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”’ (Mark 10:31)

The ultimate underdog in the mortal timeline, of the estimated 20 billion people who have lived (and are living) and who have died since Creation, is the faithful Christian.  We are born into a sinful world with a sinful nature, by sinful parents in a sinful society.  Children, even those in private Christian schools, are often taught half-truths and outright lies that go against God’s Word, such as evolution, amoral attitudes and behaviors, and self-gratification. 

We have our media pump anti-Christian news, shows, and opinions in our face every minute of every day.  We have our politicians, even those who proclaim to be Christian, legislate and pontificate anti-Christian rules because of ‘social trends’.  Everything around us in society seems to be predicated on sin, and those who seem to be wallowing in sin seem to also be the ‘big winners’ – fame, fortune, big homes, big cars.  It appears they are first and on top of the world, and sometimes it seems Christians are at the bottom.  The waters seem to have garbage all through them, with very little paths to navigate through.

But the True and Faithful Christian, who is full of the Holy Spirit, can navigate these narrow waters!  Though the odds are stacked against us, the Lord has provided us the means to protect ourselves from the onslaught.  Through His Word we find Hope and the instructions on what to seek, what to avoid, how to navigate these waters, and what to do to get out of sinful situations if we fall into its trap.  Through His Church we can tune into Christian commentary with Truth, and we can associate in Fellowship with other Christians who are also seeking Truth and a community trying to avoid debauchery.  By the gift of the Holy Spirit, we have Him who can overcome the odds and place us in the position of Joy and not in the sorrows sin falls into.

And, of course, the best news of all is, we know in the end, God wins!  Through Jesus and our Faith in Him, this means we win!  We are underdogs in the mortal realm, but in the realm of immortal Eternity, those who found Faith in Christ in the mortal realm are favorites of God, His children forever in the midst of all He created.  Today, we are mortal underdogs, but through God we are and always will be Eternal champions!

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