
Ignorance Is Bliss Until Reality Hits

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(12) Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. (13) But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. (14) If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.’ (1 Peter 4:12-14)

While perusing the Internet, I came across a quote, ‘The man with his head in the sand, saying, “What I don’t know can’t hurt me” always ends up being the one saying, “I never knew what hit me.”’  Some have questioned why I put out these ‘Word-of-the-Day’ posts, and my desire is to ensure we are not that person with his or her head in the sand.  Unfortunately, ignorance can hurt or kill, especially if you don’t know that your buddy has turned the 30 Amp breaker back on as you are about to wire up the receptacle for your dryer.  You’ll be shocked when you find out that he or she did so.  (Pun intended.)

The Apostle Peter was given insight to days like the ones we are currently living in.  He saw Jesus’ persecution firsthand, and later saw Christians, such Stephen’s stoning and perhaps even Christians burned alive above Rome’s streets, before his death around 64 AD in Rome by upside-down crucifixion (requested by Peter so he not dishonor the way Jesus died upon the cross).   Peter understood that the secular world, under the influence of Satan, would throw challenges out that would pervert the people from God. 

It is not surprising that we see the world turning away from God, where ‘right is wrong and wrong is right’, but what should cause concern are those who claim to be Christian but are going with the world does and defending the wrong instead of defending the right.  We see it by the many ‘false prophets’ who claim to be ‘men and women of the cloth’ who have renounced God’s own Word as ‘outdated’ and ‘out of touch’.  This is why we need to not only stay on top of what is happening around us, but as necessary stand up and refute that which is against the Word.  Jesus suffered because He did not bend and hide from the challenges against Him, but suffered because He stood firm and faced that which challenged Him and the Truth.

We can ignore what is happening or live in the ignorance of what is happening around us, believing it won’t affect us if we don’t know about it.  But ignorance is often the worst weapon of the enemy, as when we are surprised, we often thinking at first, ‘God has forsaken us’.  Nothing can be further from the Truth; God is with you now as He was with you before and He will be with you afterwards.   God has provided you the Holy Spirit, to guide and provide discernment, to navigate what is happening.  Know what is happening, so as not to be surprised.  Even more, know what is happening to help try to at least show others the Truth of Jesus and His Word.

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One Comment

  1. I look forward to your morning of the day posts Elmer. Always enlightening and helpful.💞

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