
History Is HIS Story & Is Eternal

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.’ (Romans 15:4); ‘(2) I will open my mouth with a parable; I will utter hidden things, things from of old—(3) things we have heard and known, things our ancestors have told us. (4) We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done.’ (Psalm 78:2-4)

In 1989 Francis Fukuyama wrote an article entitled ‘The End of History?’  He stated we had reached “the end of history as such: that is, the end point of mankind’s ideological evolution, and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.”  In other words, with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the impending implosion of the Soviet Union, there would finally be global peace and cooperation and the eventual growth of ‘democracy’ or democratic republics as held by the Western, 1st World nations would sweep the globe and unify the people.

Of course, Mr. Fukuyama was mistaken.  We find history is still very much alive and it appears communistic totalitarianism is still on the menu.  The ‘utopia’ Fukuyama apparently believed was sweeping in was only a placeholder to what we see today.  The rise in radical Islamic fundamentalism culminating in 9/11 attacks of 2001 ushered in the tone for the 21st century and the 3rd millennium AD as the Global War on Terror persisted for 20 years, and still burns between Israel, and Iran and its proxies.  China’s communist party has strengthened and reverted to its roots after dabbling in capitalism in the late portion of the 20th century, and Russia’s oligarchy has become more like a ‘Soviet-lite’ style of government under Vladimir Putin.

In the Western ‘liberal democracies’, we find liberalism has shifted from a desire for democracy toward a desire for autocratic control.  It is no longer the will of the people but the will of the autocrat; in Britain and Ireland it is the autocrats who have deemed it is more important to defend the illegal immigrants brought in rather than to defend the native English and Irish, and it is similar here in the United States, where illegal immigrants can gain thousands of dollars in lodging and assistance, while struggling American families gain little or no help in their burdens. 

What further burdens the American citizenry is the educational system has for decades indoctrinated children into a mindset of dependence on government, to regulate what should be self-regulating (or regulating per God’s Word) and to rely on government what should be handled in self-reliance (or reliance on God’s power and leadership).  There is no longer self-responsibility – there is only someone else to blame.

All this coincides with the removal of God from the public square.  Democracy (or most correctly Constitutional Democratic Republics) must have God leading the people, not autocrats or oligarchies leading the people.  The downward trends of the people following God provides the fuel to collapse freedom found in democracies.   This has allowed the rise of global ‘religions’ of climate change, depopulation movements, and food controls to replace God’s hope in the future of man.

Fukuyama may have been correct about the ‘End of History’ in terms of those times, but wrong about the conclusion.  If one ignores history, one ignores what God has done and what He thus can do now and in the future.  Paul in Romans 15 provides those who are strong need to refer to history, particularly the history that is in the Bible, to provide support to those who are weak.  Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it; more precisely we need to learn from the history of what God does in situations so we can turn to Him for guidance to perhaps avoid the pitfalls or with Him prepare to ride out the storms. 

In Psalm 78 we have a mandate from God to learn, remember, share, and teach that which we have gathered through history, from our teachers and predecessors that is both within and outside the Bible the knowledge gathered.  This not only will build practical knowledge to use (like growing crops in a garden) but also to teach the Word so the next generation knows who God is, why they need the Salvation provided by Jesus, and understand His Almighty power that He has to ‘run the show’.  The ‘End of History’ for people come when they forget what God has done, what knowledge He has provided, and man attempts to stumble his way using what he thinks.  The sad thing is people do not know who God is, and thus they don’t know or understand Truth.

If we want to stop the growth of the autocrat or the oligarch, we must grow the knowledge of God unto the people, so they know Truth and can identify the lies of ‘feelings’.  If we want people to be independent of government and responsible for their actions, God must be their ruler, not any man or group of men.  Obey God and His Word, give our next generation the gift of God’s Word, share the Gospel with all, and keep up in prayer, studying His Word, and fellowshipping with other believers.  There is no ‘End of History’, as God is Eternal and He is History!

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One Comment

  1. Hi Elmer!!
    Thank you! You don’t mince words!! God’s Word is a 2-edge sword……
    Be Blessed.
    Annie North

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