
God Is Not Confused, & Not Confusing

‘For God is not a God of disorder <or confusion> but of peace—as in all the congregations of the Lord’s people.’ (Corinthians 14:33); ‘Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a Voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”’ (Isaiah 30:21); ‘The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.’ (Psalm 119:130)

God is never into confusion; he is straight-forward in what he does and what he expects.  Confusion, for the most part, comes from the conflict we have between ‘Good and Evil’; it is often a battle between what we want (feelings) versus what we need (facts).  Sometimes, though, confusion comes from our capabilities (or lack of) to understand God and His Will.  Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to overcome this confusion, providing us with the capability (through Himself by way of the Spirit) to ‘tap in’ and gain His knowledge and guidance in any situation.  We can strengthen this bond by our reading of His Word, the Bible, and live life through the accountability gained through walking in Fellowship with like-minded Christians.

The Holy Spirit is meant to guide you and keep you on the ‘narrow path’ of Righteousness.  His job is to help you know when to follow your ‘feelings’ (your wants and needs align) and when to shut your feelings down or override them.  In studying the Bible, the Holy Spirit can lead you into clarity of what you read, or point how you can gain clarity.  When you gain clarity, when the light bulb of understanding comes on and the ‘complex’ becomes ‘simple’.  We understand what we read in the Bible through the Holy Spirit and our knowledge then grows.  We can become more confident in the Word, and go out and do, and thus Knowledge (what we experience in Truth firsthand) can replace Faith (what we believe is true).  My Faith in Christ has grown to become my Knowledge in Christ because I’ve had Faith, took those steps and now know Jesus is there and will always be there.

If there is confusion, it is that the answer you seek either is not the right one or you haven’t yet asked for it to be revealed by Jesus.  Eliminate the confusion by asking Him for clarity.  Sometimes the answer is ‘not yet’ or ‘no’ to our wants.  Be patient, be Faithful, and grow in Knowledge and confusion will go away!

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