
God Created and Controls Life & Death

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘Then the Lord our God formed a man <Adam> from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the Breath of Life, and the man became a living being.’ (Genesis 2:7); ‘(25) Jesus said to <Martha>, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me will live, even though they die, (26) and whoever lives by believing in Me will never die. Do you believe this?”’ (John 11:25-26); ‘Seeing a fig tree by the road, <Jesus> went up to it but found nothing on it except leaves. Then He said to it, “May you never bear fruit again!” Immediately the tree withered.’ (Matthew 21:19)

Bad things typically happen when we attempt to circumvent God, particularly when it comes to trying to do things that are wholly in His realm.  There are scientists who claim they have created ‘life’ (after the 1952 Miller-Urey Experiment which ‘created amino acids’), and of course in the cases of assisted suicide, euthanasia and abortion, where people (usually physicians) will deem someone unsuitable to live and provide the means to terminate life.  COVID-19 was most likely scientists trying to create a ‘new life form’ (a virus) by patching various other viruses together (causing a bat infection to become a human infection – why we’ll never know, except there was likely money involved).

Man can only do weak (but harmful) manipulations upon God’s Creation.  We know God transcends the point of Creation from Genesis 1:1, where it tells ‘God was here before here was here’ (Hear, Hear!).  He had to be in order to create ‘here’.  It was later, on Day 6 of His Creation project, that He created man (Genesis 1:26, Genesis 2:7).  It was all perfect, and in God’s words, it was ‘very good’.  The fall of man in Genesis 3 (where Satan deceived Eve, who tempted Adam, who did not take charge and say ‘no’) brought God to create the opposite of life, ‘death’.  The end to life was also a part of God’s plan after the fall, where there is a physical death (the end to mortal life) but also a Spiritual ‘death’ (eternal separation from God).

Death is part of God’s plan, and He alone controls death.  While He can use men to achieve the death of other men (in war, for example), it is His domain alone.  Death is something Jesus had control over; His demonstration of the fig tree that did not produce showed Jesus’ power in removing life from something that was not ‘with Him’.  But Jesus did not bring death, and it was not His primary objective.  We know Jesus (God Manifested) in John 11 removed ‘death’ from Lazarus (Martha’s brother), and healed two children from that ‘affliction’ as well (Luke 7:11-17 (the widow’s son) and Luke 8:40-56 (Jairus’ daughter).  We also of course know Jesus defeated death by His resurrection from the tomb after His crucifixion. 

Jesus instead came to bring Eternal Life; a means for man to be pardoned of the sentence of sin by His own blood sacrifice upon the cross, and then removing His own death from Himself.  His gift to us brought not a relief from physical death but of Spiritual death, with only one stipulation – we must repent of our sins (repudiate them, recognizing our failings and ask the Lord for His forgiveness) recognize only Jesus can be our Lord and understand our role under Him is to be obedient servants to Him and His Gospel, and then, with His Gift of Salvation and Redemption can we have Spiritual Life, which is eternal!

So God, who created life and implemented death, has the power to provide either one, both physically and Spiritually.  It is not up to man or in control of man but of God and God alone, but we can decide, through our free will in accepting Jesus, to have only that which God can give us, that Eternal Spiritual Life with Him, else the Spiritual ‘death’ of eternal life without Him will be the default.  If you haven’t yet chose, choose wisely and choose quickly.

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