
God Assigns Gender, & Roles For Both To Perform & Portray For Good Reason

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.’ (James 4:4); ‘<As God provided to Moses,> “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.”’ (Deuteronomy 22:5)

Over the last several years, we have seen an increase of actions by America’s adversaries in ‘pushing boundaries’; Russia invading Ukraine, China literally ramming their Coast Guard boats into Philippine Coast Guard boats just off the Philippine coast in Philippine waters, and Iran using its proxy forces such as Hamas and Hezbollah to attack Israel.

It is possible that it is due in part to the effemination of males in the American and Western secular societies. The United States no longer exude a masculine, strong presence on the world stage but one that indicates we will tolerate or ignore hostile actions toward us and our allies. This perception of a weak United States, given in policies affirming DEI and woke principles, have affected the US military in terms of recruiting. We are approaching a point with our military where we do not portray a strong America willing to fight our nation’s battles, both on a political and military front. 

In comparison to the images of the men and women of Americans in the ‘Greatest Generation’, we now have people within the current Presidential administration down to the local community level who by effeminate appearance and action indicate that the US does not exactly look like we would show interest in any confrontation directed at our nation, let alone outside of it. 

My point is not to denigrate these people; we need to pray for them to have God enter their lives and turn them away from their secular sins and toward the Righteousness of Christ.  However, this also points to the adage that ‘Hard Times create Strong People; Strong People create Good (Easy) Times; Good Times create Weak People; Weak People create Hard Times’.  Our actions, lacking a Godly and moral compass, have consequences such as the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, or the Chinese pressure upon Taiwan and other Pacific Rim nations.  It does not have to be a direct action by the US to cause such actions to occur.

The Lord portrays masculine-orientation, and with some exceptions nature gears focus on masculinity as equaling strength.  The US is becoming less masculine in appearance and actions, and it is in correlation to the removal of God in our society.  Why would our adversaries fear the US or any repercussions from the West, when the West represents a weak persona of masculinity?  In the secular world, perception equals reality, and the perception of the West is one of moral and physical weakness and corruption. 

The key to what we are witnessing today in the US is the strengthening bonds of secularism (in effect, Satanism) among the majority of Americans.  This includes those who identify as ‘Christians But’ members (I’m a Christian, but I’m OK with <fill in with the choice of immorality>).  James saw this among the Gentiles of his day.  There were those who heard the Gospel and were drawn to its truth, but held onto what felt good to them.  Remember, God is Fact, God is Truth.  The opposing of fact, in great degree, is feelings.  The mantra heard since the 1960’s is ‘if it feels good, do it’.   However, if there are not facts to back the feelings, they will further take and tear one down. 

Along this premise is another secular false mantra, ‘Men, get in touch with your feminine side’.   It is not wrong to show emotion, as long as it is appropriate and in line with the events happening in your life.  What is wrong for men to take on a feminine appearance or mannerisms.  We thought it was funny when Joe Namath wore panty hose for a commercial in the early 1970’s, or Robin Williams portraying ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ in the 1990’s, but is it funny today when we have our toddlers and kindergarteners experiencing ‘Drag Queen Reading Hour’, or telling them they don’t have to be who they are, that they can transition to being something they are not? 

God told Moses to tell the Israelites their men need to act like men, and their women need to act like women.  History has demonstrated when people get perverse in their gender roles, their society usually doesn’t last long.  Sodom and Gomorrah suffered destruction from God’s Wrath over this (and other perversions) as well as the Greeks and to some degree the Romans.  The US is no different. 

Women, this does not mean you shouldn’t show strength.  The woman who fights off their child’s attempted abductor, or who stand for Christ as they are arrested for praying outside of an abortion clinic, show their strength.  Men need to show compassion for others.  But the roles for each gender (and there are only 2) are clear and need to be followed, as God provides.  Men, be men; women, be women; Christian, be Christian.  Anything else adds the ‘but’ and then you are not.

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