Get A Clue – Tune Into The Holy Spirit & Read Your Bible!
Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(21) He changes times and seasons; He deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. (22) He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with Him.’ (Daniel 2:21-22)
History is always around us and with us. Sometimes we are aware of it, but usually it happens without us knowing about it at all until after the fact if at all. The big events grab our attention, such as the Inauguration of a new President, a great tragedy like 9/11, or the return of the McRib. But sometimes the smaller events we don’t grasp the meaning of until it comes up and surrounds us like a blanket, and we think ‘how did we get here?’. The Great Toilet Paper Famine of 2020 is a great example. Who knew of all things, toilet paper would be the item that would be in short supply for months?
If we don’t know what we don’t know until we know, on occasion it may be too late when we do find out. This is sometimes bad (such as the toilet paper outages, especially if you were down to your last roll), or sometimes it’s a missed opportunity. Using the same ‘we don’t know until we know’ philosophy, we can also jump on bandwagons, then realize afterwards that wasn’t a good idea. Good, well-meaning people jumped on the ‘Black Lives Matter’ bandwagon until realizing it wasn’t about black lives but about fomenting chaos. Some churches in the 1990s at first thought the ‘Purpose-Driven’ church movement was good, then realized afterward it diminished God’s Purpose and highlighted Man’s purpose.
Daniel wrote of these things, describing when the Lord gave him the insight to King Nebuchadnezzar’s (Neb for short) dreams. He had great Faith and already had a relationship with God, in prayer and likely in reading the Scriptures (the Pentateuch or the five books of Moses at that time), so when ole’ Neb started to put Persian & Babylonian wise men to death for not interpreting his dream (which he did not share), Daniel got with the Pep Boys (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) and they prayed. God gave Daniel the dream and its meaning, and Daniel told it to ole’ Neb. The meaning was on the future events of Neb’s kingdom and the kingdoms to follow (in short, their rise and fall).
But Daniel rightfully proclaimed to Neb it was not he who knew history’s future, but God. God knew what was going to happen and first told Neb, who was not knowing of God, or in communication with God, and thus didn’t understand the message. Neb started with his Persian and Babylonian wise men, but they didn’t know God either. It took Daniel, and the Faith of the Pep Boys, to go to God, who they knew, and ask – and God provided them the answer, and gave Daniel the interpretation.
Now God may not give you the dreams or the interpretations of others’ dreams. However, He can give you hints on key indicators on future events; inklings or a ‘tuning-in’ on others who are having similar thoughts. God knew COVID, unrest, and political intrigue was going to hit our world (not just the US). I know God did not tell me, ‘You better buy facemasks and toilet paper, because you’re going to need them.’ But I got a nudge, a thought, ‘Be Prepared, Be Aware, Plan Accordingly – and tell others’. That was the message, nothing else.
Afterward, there were indications that this message was what the Holy Spirit was resonating in others, based on their sermons and teachings. No one could predict the events that occurred, and no one can predict the events that will happen. But through the Holy Spirit, many were aware something was going to happen and to be ready. All of us who profess Faith in Christ have that ability to tune into the Holy Spirit; we see current events and in reading God’s Word, we can match what was once prophesy is becoming fact.
God transcends history – God is history. Nothing happens without God allowing it to happen; He knows all that will happen, well before you or I do – He is never surprised. Get in tune with God, and He may (or may not) share some of that insight with you. God did it with the prophets of the Old Testament, He did it (somewhat extensively) with Paul and John, and in a very small morsel even I have been given a snapshot. If you read Scripture, He’s given you a view of history, too. Revelation is about the (possibly not-to-distant) future, and gives warning signs on what to look for, or what not to do.
If you don’t exercise that part of your Spiritual relationship with God, at least obey Him in His command to go out in the Great Commission, and share the Gospel to others. We know Jesus is coming back; we don’t when, but He’s coming back. Study the Word, pray continuously, and obey Him. The future of yesterday is here, now!