
Freedom of Speech: Not To Be Curtailed By Man, But By The Spirit

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.’ (Ephesians 4:29); ‘(16) Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.  (17) Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.’ (1 Peter 2:16-17)

Free speech, from a societal perspective, does have limits; but beyond the old warning of ‘don’t yell ‘fire!’ in a crowded movie theatre (that is not on fire)’, we should have the freedom to speak freely.  We should be very careful not to insult others. However, sometimes ‘offending’ words may be of benefit.  It may be necessary to offend someone with the truth, to have them realize their errors and eventually rise above the hurdle of their mistake. 

In one sense, this is exactly what Nathan did to David when he confronted him about Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 12.  It was likely offensive to David that he was told he was wrong to do what he did; after all, David was the king, he wanted Bathsheba, and he took her, killing her husband Uriah in the process.  But God, through Nathan, had to knock David off his high horse and humble him before David could repent and be rehabilitated.  We often offend people by telling them the truth and pointing out sinful, error-filled activities.  The proponents of ‘hate speech’ using it to suppress free speech is that to be offensive equals ‘hate’, which is incorrect.  Telling someone constructively they are doing wrong may be offensive, but it is often not hateful or destructive but instead loving and constructive.

Why this should be concerning to us is that the freedom of speech is currently being suppressed, where one viewpoint is broadcast loudly while other viewpoints are tampered down.  Opinions are theories based on information received; one cannot make a based opinion on just one side of the story.  If one hears only that one side, especially if it is not the truth or an exaggerated half-truth, on replay over and over again, their opinion can be formed and based on a false perception.

Unfortunately, perception is often seen as equal to reality.  The bombardment by secular media sources try to condition us to the false perception, those things immoral, unnatural, and abnormal; creates in many the perception those things are perfectly normal, moral, and natural.  The concept of ‘hate speech’ is also a consequence of this suppression.  There is no actual ‘hate speech’, only ‘speech’ that often is subjective to the taste of the audience who receives it.  For example, to me discussing guns and related activities is not ‘hate speech’ (its my 2nd most favorite subject) but someone who is with ‘Moms Demand Action’ may deem it so.

‘Hate speech’, however, is being used to suppress Christian voices.  Christianity is not of tolerance, when it comes to sin.  True Christianity must not be progressive but stand firmly in the word of God, meaning the sins of debauchery now prevalent in our secular society must be addressed and spoken against within the church.  Freedom of choice, not suppression or prohibition, is best when it comes to the ‘marketplace of ideas’ that is the United States. 

As an example, should the members of the LGBTQ community have a right to speak publicly?  Yes, of course in America they should, but the Church must also be able to bring out the counterpoint of its destructive behavior and the Truth of the Word states on the subject.  The Bible, God’s Word, is certainly strong enough to stand up against the immoral voices of its detractors.  After all, the Author of the Bible is God Himself!

The Apostle Peter, in his 1st letter, tells us we should live as free people.  Freedom to choose what we do, what we say.  There are no ‘limits’, per se – unless you are a Follower of Christ.  You are ‘free’ to engage in debauchery, but as a Christian you should have the restraints of the Holy Spirit upon you that will prevent you from such actions.  You don’t say or do certain things while in the presence of your parents, or perhaps your Pastor or Life Group teacher or in church, out of respect for them. (The Truth is, if you’re ashamed to say them in church or to the Pastor, you probably shouldn’t say them anytime.) 

In much the same way, though you ‘can’ engage in some actions, you won’t because of the respect you have for the Holy Spirit which indwells in you.  Integrity is ‘doing the right thing even when no one else is around’, though we must know God is always with us.  Show your respect to Jesus, to others, and to yourself by disengaging from evil – even though you have the freedom to do so.      

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