
Focus On Jesus; Don’t Get Distracted

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(7) They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. (8) Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.’ (Psalm 112:7-8); ‘<Jesus, quoting Isaiah 29 to the Pharisees,>”These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me.” (Matthew 15:8) 

Here in post-Constitutional America, it is easy to focus in on all the news reports of things that demonstrate the rapid erosion of the freedoms we enjoyed.  We hear of edicts that do not have common sense applied, government agencies overstepping their authority, and our elected representatives that have forgotten we are not servants to them, but citizens to whom they serve. 

However, lost in the shuffle are the blessings we have.  As I am typing this out, I think of those who have sent me e-mails to read, the young woman one Sunday who came up and told me her son (who is not saved) tuned into my sermon last month because I mentioned my preference for ‘heavy metal’, and those who shared with me their testimonies and stories of how they came to know Christ. 

I also look at what the Lord has blessed us with, in all of our facets in life.  We do not have it ‘perfect’ as I am a ‘full-figured fellow’, my back is in various stages of aching and spasming, and my joints are telling me of past indiscretions.  Yet I am blessed by the fact that I can ‘answer the bell’ every morning, able to get out of bed, get dressed, take care of priorities, and function. 

We have distractions, like the storm coming later this evening. These things can become the focus if we let them, but instead I choose to focus on the fact that we have been blessed with a house, food, water, and am able to have the strength and stamina to put up shutters (I made them for Irma with 1×6 wood planks, so they are heavy) and have guests with us to ride out the storm together.

The best thing is above over all these things, we have Jesus in our lives and our lives are dedicated to Christ.  In the end, it doesn’t matter about the government bureaucracies and their actions, the cars, the home, and that which goes with it.  What matters is a boy who listened to a message about Christ because his interest was piqued; that someone found a Life Group that they are able to feel comfortable in and loved upon; that we have been provided for by our God a meal to eat, a place to sleep, and a morning we can wake up to.  So be aware of what is happening around you (BE PREPARED, BE AWARE, PLAN ACCORDLINGLY), but don’t let that draw you into being your focus for your life.

When we focus on the background noise and not on the primary ‘target’, we can end getting blindsided; think of focusing on an ice cream shop instead of the cars flying past while you’re crossing a busy street to get to your bank.  By focusing on the ice cream shop, and determining you’d love rocky road on a waffle cone, you may find yourself waking up in a hospital after being hit by a car that you walked in front of.   You did not get to the bank (your primary goal) because your focus was on something superfluous (the ice cream).  Your distraction also caused you to lose awareness of your surrounding (the cars).  (Hopefully it was a little car with a lot of plastic in the front, and not an old Studebaker that could be mistaken for a Sherman tank with all of its armor plating.) 

In similar fashion, we can often focus on that which should be in our periphery (worldly things) instead of our primary objective (serving Jesus).  While we need to be aware of that which is around us and take necessary precautions, it should always be with the mindset of ensuring Jesus is served first and foremost.  We can prepare for hurricanes (as we should), but can I do that in a way that is pleasing to Jesus?  Yes – rotating food stocks and providing food (that is still ‘in-date’) to those in need; providing extra provisions for those who may not have prepared as well; delivering meals or essentials after a storm if they can be shared; helping others clear debris. 

By focusing on Jesus, we can overcome all obstacles and find that often those things we find distracting disappear from our radar.  By serving Him, we will see what we need to truly be a aware of and what we need to prepare for them.

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