
Don’t Choose Poorly, Choose Righteousness

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘<God said to the Israelites through Moses,> “(19) This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live (20) and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him. For the Lord is your life, and He will give you many years in the land He swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.’ (Deuteronomy 30:19-20)

Through Moses, God provided the Israelites a set of instructions, warnings, blessings and curses to follow and understand prior to them entering the land of Canaan and making their home there.  The number one takeaway that the Israelites should have grasped was, ‘if we continually obey God and don’t ignore Him, we’ll be blessed with prosperity of His Spirit and His protection.’  Through the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible, also referred to as the Books of Moses), God provides His instructions on how the Israelites could do things so they would not fall astray or disobey Him.  The warnings were clear; disobey or ignore God and He would remove His hand of protection and guidance from them.

The Israelites, as we know, often choose poorly.  They soon settled into the Promised Land and immediately ignored some and eventually almost all of His commands.  Eventually this led to Jerusalem’s destruction (twice), forced diaspora (migration), and foreign subjugation.  What was right in God’s instructions became wrong in their eyes, and vice versa.  They chose on their own to favor that which caused their own demise, choosing lies and falsehoods over God’s Truth.

Today, we in the US are in the same predicament; as our nation goes further away from Godly principles, common-sense, and facts we are heading toward the destruction of our nation through lies and falsehoods.  It is not Christians who are clamoring for destruction but those who have turned away from God who are pushing us toward our demise.  How the US exactly will fall is not known, as it could be a continuation of the metamorphosis from a Godly republic to a godless social state, a takeover from the illegal immigration that has flooded us, or a war that will devastate our people and our land.  While it is not too late to turn away from this, Christians do know how the world will reach its climatic end through the Tribulation, as it will fall to Satan and its lies before Jesus comes back to claim His Kingdom.

For the Christian, though these things will happen, don’t despair!  Don’t dwell on that which is crumbling around you, but dwell instead on Jesus!  Obey His Word, read His Bible, and fellowship with others who worship Him.  Follow Him and talk to others to bring them to His pastures, so they may choose Him.  Though there are those who either deny God His power, or try to place God into covering for their falsehoods, know that God still has the power He’s always had, and He is always True and never changing in His stances.  Let others choose poorly, we who know Jesus choose Him and His Truth.

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