
Don’t Be Complacent & Lukewarm; Get Hot & Challenge Your Spirit!

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘Watch out that you do not lose what we (or you) have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully.’ (2 John 1:8); ‘<Jesus said to the Apostle John,>”Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest <zealous> and repent.”’ (Revelation 3:19)

I am not necessarily 100% convinced I am ready for all that Eldership entails (perhaps I’m around 95.7% at this point), though I have been in the role for a couple of years now. But the Lord has put me in this role, so I will do my best to fulfill that which He has entrusted.  It is Jesus’ answer to my prayer of ‘how should I improve?’  When I fall short, I will regroup, take note of lessons learned, and continue to move forward – with the help of Jesus to guide me along the way.  I cannot give up and I must keep pressing forward for the cause of Christ.

Be wary of complacency in your walk with Christ!  John the Apostle warns us Christians to watch out in taking for granted the blessings we have been given by Jesus for accepting Him as Lord.  While John’s warning is more for those who have initially ‘talked a good game’ but did not really accept Christ and have fallen back into the secular ways of the world (2 John 1:9a), there are also Christians who have been very Faithful in terms of church attendance, Bible study, and even performing tasks but are on ‘cruise control’, and that ‘saltiness’ and fervor they once had has long left the station. 

Jesus brings this point up during His Revelation to John after talking about the ‘Church of Laodicea’ (the lukewarm church) in the 2nd half of Revelation 3, which is such a church that appears to be cruising along, doing their ‘thing’ as they’ve always done and never deviating or challenging themselves.  They are not failing, but they aren’t looking at continual improvement.  In Noah’s day, it would be called ‘treading water’.  But one can ask the question, was it the leadership of the ‘1st Baptist Church of Laodicea’s’ fault they were treading water, or was it due to their congregation?  In any church, there are those who resist change; ‘it’s the way we’ve always done it’, ‘this is where we’ve always sat’, ‘the only good hymns are those on pages 107-115 in the Official Church Hymnal of 1898 that we sing each week’. 

Did the leadership of the church, though, challenge the congregation to do better through its presentation of the Word, by its preaching and teaching and setting up activities (like scheduling mission trips, community outreach, and more)? Or did the Laodicean church’s leadership (its pastor and elders) simply present the Word continually as pablum, a feel-good message that while truthful was not of the Truth; not challenging the secular, humanistic worldview of the day and addressing current events and issues? Or did the congregation as a whole simply resist and not follow its leaders or the Word as it went against ‘the way we’ve always done it’ mindset they had?

Jesus, however, encourages us not be complacent.  While we may get into ruts, He tells us not to stay in one.  Revelation 3:19 is an encouragement from Him that says, ‘Look, I love you, but get out of that rut, and ask Me how to improve your Spiritual game!’  How can we improve our Spiritual game?  Some of you have already done so, in taking on new challenges (visiting Crossroads, volunteering at the Jesus-Loves-You Ministry, teaching students, greeting people on Sunday).  It can be offering to pray to strangers or those who talk to us on the phone.  The best way to improve your Spiritual game is to ask Jesus to provide you with the guidance on how to improve; and accept the challenges He provides. 

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