
Depressed Or Distressed, God Knows Best!

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you.’ (Psalm 86:5)

Lots of things are occurring in the world that could come together and create a conglomeration of epic havoc; Israel may be attacking Iran for its second failed missile attack, the US may begin to be crippled with the effects of the East Coast ports’ Longshoremen strike (no goods for quick replenishment coming in), and the state of Ohio still has not won a Super Bowl in the 58 games played.   

With the exception of the over half-century losing streak for Ohio’s pro football teams (the 1964 Cleveland Browns won the NFL Championship for the last Ohio trophy), the other items are things that we need to be at least aware of and be prepared for.  I would suggest to you if you are in short supply of something, get it this week.

Even if the supply chain adapts toward the West Coast ports for entry (with additional costs for trucking across the US), at least you’ll have your shortage taken care of and you’ll be prepared.  As always, know that you have a network of people – your friends, your family, your church family, your Life Group – that can help if something is needed that you cannot handle on your own.

Most importantly, know that God is in control, and God only acts (He never reacts) as He already knows what is going to happen while we do not.  BE PREPARED, BE AWARE, and PLAN ACCORDINGLY; not only for the physical but also the mental and the Spiritual.  Make the time for Spiritual requirements; read Scriptures, pray for Jesus’ guidance through the Holy Spirit, and fellowship, in Life Groups amongst yourselves in a personal setting. 

When we are in need, God repeated tells us to depend on him – especially in times of despair or distress. Psalm 86 is a ‘lamenting Psalm’, or one of a call to God to respond to distressing situations.  David, as blessed as he was by God, had many crises in his life (some self-inflicted) that caused him to often cry out to the Lord for His mercy, guidance, and deliverance. 

Although there is an aspect of an undertone of a ‘woe-is-me’ cry in David’s laments (not Lamont, that’s Fred Sanford’s son), the clear message that David conveys is that he seeks God out when troubles arise and when his despair is overwhelming. 

Not all of David’s Psalms are laments, or that he was always in despair, he also called out to God when things were good, to praise God for the blessings David received.  There are Psalms for giving thanks, to celebrate God’s rule, declarations of God’s divinity, prayers to God, and repentance.  Many are examples of how to live a Godly life.     

The crux of Psalm 86 is that though David is feeling down, he also knows his ‘God-Math’; that God plus David (or any one of us who has our Faith invested in Him) is an insurmountable majority.  God will respond, and God will provide you what you need, when you need it.  It may not (and likely will not) be what you want when you want it.  God will forgive you, or those who have sinned against you; God will do what is best for you according to His plan.

Whether calamity or prosperity strikes, God knows what your plans should be to best serve Him and His Kingdom.  God does not always stop the calamities (or prosperities) but He will use them to prepare and place you where He wants you to be. 

Know that no matter what happens, God is in control!  Keep Him on ‘speed-dial’ and call Jesus’ Hotline via Jeremiah 33:3: (‘Call to <Jesus> and <He> will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’) through your prayers, reading of Scriptures, and fellowship.  When things are looking their worst, or are shining at their best, God is always the same and consistent Creator over all things!

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