Gordan giving cuba mission report to church members at Murdock Baptist Church.

Cuba Mission Trip Report: April 28th – May 5th

Our missionary team has returned from the Cuba Mission Trip and gave us a full report on Wednesday, May 24th at 6 p.m. on how they not only touched the people of Cuba’s hearts, but also their own hearts in a personal way. Some powerful stories that left some of us in tears and laughter at times. 

Their mission was to share the gospel, show the love of Jesus, and getting many to have a personal relationship with Jesus to the people of Fomento. The mission team participated in many fun activities to build these relationships, as well as their hard work and priority to teach the gospel in many classrooms, preaching the gospel within their church and family homes, sharing their own personal testimonies, helping in the kitchen, bringing personal items and food to share with the people, and even giving massages to some of the women, thanks to Becky, who found a way to build a relationship with her own personal gift.

We were thankful to hear how God is working among the people of Cuba and among these 8 disciples who went – through God’s grace and mercy in a dark Communist country to show the light that’s within them all and to share that light among their neighbors, family, and friends. 

The best news of all to share with us was not only bringing people to Christianity, but the team was blessed to have several people who were baptized by Gordan, acknowledging that, in Christ Jesus, their sins have been forgiven.

Learn more about the mission of the Cuba Missionary Outreach Program and view their personal photos from the trip.

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