Cuba Mission- 2025
Pray about and save the date!
We have been given the Cuba Mission dates for 2025. They are May 17-24 and November 15-22. Note that they have changed to Saturday to Saturday. An interest meeting will be held in early January.
We have been given the Cuba Mission dates for 2025. They are May 17-24 and November 15-22. Note that they have changed to Saturday to Saturday. An interest meeting will be held in early January.
Easter is coming! We want our neighbors to know about both our sunrise service and our 9:30 service. We have door hangers to pass out around Ollie’s Pond and in the Shadow of the Steeple. Pick up a pack or two and distribute between March 21-25. Do not hang on mailboxes, doors only.
If you are interested or even just curious about going to Cuba on a mission trip mark your calendar for Sunday, June 18 at 12 noon. Continue Reading Cuba Interest Meeting
Are you looking for a chance to connect and serve your church? The cleaning team at MBC needs your help! We are looking for a couple more volunteers to clean and refresh supplies in our restrooms on a weekly basis. If this is an area of ministry you feel called to help with, please call… Continue Reading The Cleaning Team Needs YOU!
We will have the photo booth setup and ready for Father’s Day next Sunday, so step up and get your photo taken and make a memory! Sunday from 9:15 – 11:30, June 16th. Happy Father’s Day!
Let’s celebrate that two of our Seniors here at MBC, are graduating from high school this year. Let’s pray for them as they move forward in their next step in life continuing their education in higher ed. Congratulations Krystina Tieu & Charlotte Skupin! We are so proud of you.
The preschool and children are selling hot chocolate and chocolate-covered pretzels to raise money for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Find us in the fellowship hall or out the side door of the sanctuary toward the student building after service. Thank you for supporting our kids as they participate in supporting our missionaries.