Steve Traynor

Steve Traynor

Steve has volunteered his time to help out passing the collection basket during our Sunday Service and also helps out vacuuming out the halls for us. Continue Reading Steve Traynor

Linda and husband

Linda Kersten

Get to know Linda, who heard a need mentioned and stepped up to help clean the church’s restrooms. Continue Reading Linda Kersten

Diane Traynor behind the camera

Diane Traynor

Diane has volunteered her time to help out not only in the office, but behind the camera to help record our Sunday Service. Continue Reading Diane Traynor

Alison Mangione

Alison Mangione

Alison has volunteered her time to help out by not only vacuuming but also in many areas throughout the church from the Children’s Nursery to the office. Continue Reading Alison Mangione

Joe Logan with Salvation Army sign volunteering at Murdock Baptist Church

Joe Logan, Elder

Joe Logan was ordained as an Elder here at Murdock Baptist Church and has volunteered a lot of his time working with seniors at the Lexington Manor. Continue Reading Joe Logan, Elder

Joe Miller

Joe Miller, Ministry Band

Joe wears many hats here at Murdock Baptist Church, from Director of the Men’s Ministry to playing the guitar in our Worship Band. Continue Reading Joe Miller, Ministry Band

Cynthia Logan

Cynthia Logan, Disaster Relief Volunteer

Cynthia is very active in volunteering for the church and also is very active in posting for our social media Facebook account. Continue Reading Cynthia Logan, Disaster Relief Volunteer

Carol and Mike D'Onofrio

Carol D’Onofrio, Web Developer

Carol has volunteered her time and skills to build and maintain the website for our church. She has also volunteered her time to train the staff to maintain the site’s content routinely. Continue Reading Carol D’Onofrio, Web Developer