Cuba Mission Trip
Application deadline is Monday, February 3rd if you are interested in our mission trip to Camajuani on May 17-24, 2025. Contact Gordon Caldwell for more information at 941-661-0446.
Application deadline is Monday, February 3rd if you are interested in our mission trip to Camajuani on May 17-24, 2025. Contact Gordon Caldwell for more information at 941-661-0446.
Do you have a Bible Reading plan to follow during the busy Christmas season? This free download includes 25 daily devotionals by Paull Tripp, paired with a Scripture passage and prayer, to focus your heart on the birth of Jesus from December 1 until Christmas Day. To download go to, add this free eBook… Continue Reading Free Christmas Devotional
The preschool and children are selling hot chocolate and chocolate-covered pretzels to raise money for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Find us in the fellowship hall or out the side door of the sanctuary toward the student building after service. Thank you for supporting our kids as they participate in supporting our missionaries.
Drop-off Now! Deadline: November 24th. Church Members, thank you for your faithfulness to children around the world who will receive your shoeboxes with the Gospel message presented to them by Samaritan’s Purse.
In the wake of Hurricane Milton, many in our community are facing the daunting task of recovery. MBC NextGen, the vibrant youth group from Murdock Baptist Church heard about a need and dedicated themselves to lend a helping hand, embodying the spirit of service in Jesus’ name. Living Out Our Faith Recently, MBC NextGen came… Continue Reading MBC NextGen: Serving Our Community After Hurricane Milton
Murdock Baptist Church will be engaging with our community with a special Christmas celebration of singing and storytelling. We need volunteers, if interested… Continue Reading Carols of Christmas
Pray about and save the date!
We have been given the Cuba Mission dates for 2025. Continue Reading Cuba Mission- 2025
Are you looking for a chance to connect and serve your church? The cleaning team at MBC needs your help! We are looking for a couple more volunteers to clean and refresh supplies in our restrooms on a weekly basis. If this is an area of ministry you feel called to help with, please call… Continue Reading The Cleaning Team Needs YOU!
Sign up to participate in this year’s PraiSing event, July 31st at 6 pm. This will be a family dinnertime where you are able to share a talent, song, or dramatic reading that honors the Lord and would be a blessing to the church. Take the opportunity of “..teaching and admonishing one another with songs,… Continue Reading Got talent?