
Can There Be Prophecy In Modern Times?

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(20) Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. (21) For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.’ (1 Peter 1:20-21)

The first chapter of the first Petrine Epistle (a fancy way of saying Peter’s first letter) speaks of the importance of prophesy given to men, to announce and confirm Jesus as our Messiah and Redeemer.   There have been other prophesies given, through the Old Testament prophets, some of the New Testament Apostles, and through Jesus himself.   These are about future events that are approaching us, to warn us of their impending impacts on our lives.  As Peter describes, no man can ever prophesize by their own wisdom, but only through the Holy Spirit giving them the insight to speak, allowing God to use them to make others aware.

We do not have prophets today in the sense of those who are in the Bible; all that God has wanted to be prophesized, in the ‘macro’ sense, has been said in the 66 books comprising it.  We know the End Times and our Eternal fate through the books of Daniel and Revelation, for example (spoiler alert – God wins, and we Believers do, too!)

In the ‘micro’ sense, however, God continues to give His people the ability to discern what is occurring in the world around them, and anticipate what will occur.  He gives through the Holy Spirit the wisdom to see and understand the unfolding of events.  The Believer sees through the lenses of the Biblical Worldview, and will see and hear confirmation through other Believers on the result of what is transpiring.   This confirmation is often found through the Fellowship we have through other Believers, where a consensus is gained.   For me personally, discerning how current events will unfold is confirmed through the Pastor’s sermon or a reputable Christian voice. 

In the case of the Elders, all decisions are in unanimity through the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit may allow differences of opinion on individual preferences (like sporting a beard, for example), but in matters of importance like questions on the future Biblical philosophical direction of the church, the Elders always are unanimous and in agreement as the Holy Spirit will only provide one answer, the one that comes from what is necessary to fulfill God’s Will and Plan. 

As is always the case, anticipating possible future events or confronting current ones must be met with prayer, study of the Word, and Fellowship.  Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you the way forward. Confirmation will come from the Lord through any of these, and gives us certainty to respond in uncertain circumstances, as while we do not know what is happening or will happen, God does!

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