Awana Store is February 8th
To award the children who are in the club, they will spend their hard working money on items that are donated. We need donated items. View more details. Continue Reading Awana Store is February 8th
To award the children who are in the club, they will spend their hard working money on items that are donated. We need donated items. View more details. Continue Reading Awana Store is February 8th
It took a death to turn my life around I’m the oldest of four sibling. My parents divorced when I was 8 years old making my mom’s plate full working outside of the home & caring for four small children. Our family didn’t go to church however our neighbors took us. At eleven I accepted… Continue Reading Cindy’s Testimonial
It was during a special service at our church, a revival, that I heard the question, “What has changed in your life since you trust Jesus Christ”? I had already been baptized, was a very active church member and a leader of my age group, but none of these things made me trust Jesus instead… Continue Reading Ron Tipton Testimonial
Growing up in Western Pennsylvania, my parents were not at that time members or attendees of any church. I was essentially an only child, with little adult supervision, as Dad worked in the steel mill (and in his off-time was in the many bars between the mill and home) and Mom was sick and inattentive.… Continue Reading My Testimony by Elmer D. Yeager
I accepted Christ at a very young age (7) and have been perusing Him ever since. I have had times of highs and lows, marrying my husband having my kids (high), watching my mom battle cancer and pass away (very low), but I have always loved Jesus and have been involved in church from childhood (thanks to… Continue Reading Katie’s Testimonial
I was raised in the Baptist faith and at age 10 I was saved. That is, when others in my Sunday school class went forward to be baptized, so did I. Four years later I left the church. Sometime in the next 40 years, anger began to overtake my life. I was angry with everybody and… Continue Reading Paul’s Testimony
It’s that time of the year! Our preschoolers are selling hot chocolate to raise money for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. The elementary age kids are joining them by making chocolate covered pretzels. Our children are learning about the person of Lottie Moon, how to serve and be a part of the Body of Christ.… Continue Reading Choco-Lottie for Missions
Advent starts December 1st so make your plans now to celebrate Jesus, the real reason, each day until Christmas. To help you, here is a link for a devotional: Download PDF
There will be no church activities, Wednesday, November 23rd and the church office will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. Wishing you all a very blessed Thanksgiving!