Happy Family

Anchor your life

The unmooring of society and culture from Biblical precepts, and the disintegration of the family as the foundational block of life and community have led to our current culture shift.  A shift that I would describe as downward and destructive.  Why do I describe it in these terms?  Absentee fathers leaving single mothers to do the work of two parents, lack of instruction and training in godliness lead to godless decisions and living with little regard for anyone other than the individual, more concern for my rights than my responsibilities, unwed and pregnant girls, more couples living together with little or no commitment rather than marrying for a lifetime of commitment, and so much more.  

The unmooring of society from the Bible and its precepts (which were part of the founding documents and understandings of our country) leaves us with a Judges 21:25 mentality: “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”  The precepts of God are no longer known, much less convictional or followed by men.  The passage and sermon from yesterday are so out of step with our culture because God has been forgotten, cast aside or so marginalized as to be “so yesterday.”  

Yet when the Creator gives us clear direction and instruction on how we were designed, what we were designed for and how to live within His gracious and good will, we must recognize that the mess we are in is of our own making.  The verses clearly repeat what has been said over and over in Scripture.  We are created for relationships – with God and with others.  We are created with a purpose and a role, and we will find fulfillment and peace, with God and others, when we live out that purpose and role.  And most of all, our living out of these will be pleasing and glorifying to the One who created us in the first place.  Living a life unmoored from Biblical precepts allows a person to be “captain of their own soul,” but the rocks and storms of life will sink that ship, and all aboard will be hopelessly lost.  There is pleasure in living your own way for a while, but there is a judgment and a reckoning to come.  

The current cultural drift is like a snowball on a mountain side.  At first it is fun to watch it roll down hill growing and speeding up as it progresses down the slope.  But eventually it is too large to stop and it will consume and destroy everything and everyone in its path until it reaches an end and is destroyed itself.  Stop making snowballs of your life’s decisions to roll down the hill for pleasure.  Instead anchor your life in the precepts of the One who created and desires you to truly experience life as He intended, rather than a wild destructive and deadly ride down the mountain of life.

Pressing on…

Ron Tipton, Senior Pastor

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