cargo ship in storm

A safe harbor or a save harbor?

Someone has said, “Ships are safe in the harbor, but this isn’t what ships are created for.” Unfortunately, many in the church have a “harbor mentality” in which living and interacting in holy huddles is their day in, day out way of living. As I shared this morning this is akin to digging a hole inside the church walls and burying the truth and the gospel rather then being the image bearers of God, being salt and light in a dark and lost world. A ship that stays in the harbor never pays the freight of its investment in being built in the first place.

In order to have a return on investment, the ship needs to carry whatever cargo from one port to another. Are there storms and risks outside the harbor? For sure! But there is no gain or return made in the harbor. The size of the ship or the value of the cargo isn’t the question. The question is functioning and operating for the purpose the ship was made. Believers have been saved for the glory of God and are to then live lives that continue to bring glory to Him through our faithfulness in leaving the harbor/church to accomplish all we have been called to do. Are you stuck in the harbor? If so, let us help you be faithful to use all God has given you to build His Kingdom.

Pressing on…

Ron Tipton, Senior Pastor

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  1. I love your sermons pastor Ron because you don’t preach a message of ease and sugarcoat the gospel but you lovingly point out to people what we are doing or not doing to serve the kingdom of God. I read today in A.W.Tozer (I read his books daily) He said “ The effort of modernists to woo men to God by presenting the soft side of religion is an unqualified evil because it ignores the very reason for our alienation from God in the first place. Until a man has gotten in trouble with his heart he is not likely to meet God” from his book “The Root of Righteousness “ Keep up the good preaching ! I love to listen and respond to it
    Barb Stanhope

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