5th Sunday is Family Worship
On July 30th Children, PreK – 5th grade, will sit with their families during the first hour.
On July 30th Children, PreK – 5th grade, will sit with their families during the first hour.
Sign up to participate in this year’s PraiSing event, July 31st at 6 pm. This will be a family dinnertime where you are able to share a talent, song, or dramatic reading that honors the Lord and would be a blessing to the church. Take the opportunity of “..teaching and admonishing one another with songs,… Continue Reading Got talent?
November 3-10, 2023 Please pray for the Cuba Team as they prepare to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Fomento. Pray that God will empower them through His Holy Spirit, put specific people of Cuba in their path, and share the love of Christ. Please pray for the Cuban people who… Continue Reading Cuba Missions
The team wants to thank our church and members for their prayers and support in filling our first request. Continue Reading CarePortal
Do you have a Bible Reading plan to follow during the busy Christmas season? This free download includes 25 daily devotionals by Paull Tripp, paired with a Scripture passage and prayer, to focus your heart on the birth of Jesus from December 1 until Christmas Day. To download go to https://www.murdockbaptistchurch.org/christmasdevotional, add this free eBook… Continue Reading Free Christmas Devotional
The process of implementing two new Elders has begun this week. We announced last week that we are presenting two men to be added to the elders. Continue Reading Elder Candidates
Our missionary team has returned from the Cuba Mission Trip and gave us a full report on Wednesday, May 24th at 6 p.m. and here’s what they shared. Continue Reading Cuba Mission Trip Report: April 28th – May 5th